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Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor!!!

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09-25-2006 04:37:19

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Okay, here is the deal; Our neighbor is bitter about something and is trying to get rid of our tractor (1946 JD A). We live out in the country, but in a subdivision (we have 1.5 acres). There is nothing our covenants about tractors or ag equipment. So, they are going with the "it's an annoyance to the subdivision". The tractor is always parked behind the house and behind a big group of trees. My question is this...if this goes to court how can I "prove" that the tractor is an antique?? The tractor runs great and look decent. It needs to be restored, but it isn't rusted out. Thanks for your help and suggestions.....

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09-25-2006 17:39:00

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Youre that noisy Son of a .... just joking dude! Maybe he likes Farmalls.;0)

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09-25-2006 16:46:10

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
"Our neighbor is bitter about something". In my opinion if you follow about 80% of the advice given here he will for sure have good reason.Have you tried to find out just what he is bitter about? It could be possible that he has good reason. Find out what it is and what can be done about it. Maybe if you talk to him and let him know why the tractor means so much to you he will understand. Just maybe he likes to paint cars and that could be an asset to you. I dare say that if you talk to him about the history and why you like the old tractor will go a lot farther than worrying about any legal defense in court. I knew an old guy one time in a situation a lot like yours go to the guy and start talking about his old truck and how he was about to go nuts trying to figure it out and did he have any ideas. The slicker looked at it and it didn't take him long to figure out a plug wire was swithched. He looked at the old guy grinning and said "here is your problem, but I guess you knew that before you called me over". The old man just grinned he knew he had just made another friend who would drop by and hang around his old shack of a shop which was the bone of contention to begin with.

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09-25-2006 16:25:42

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Your mistake is parking it out back. I'd park it in front with a little all-weather man on it dressed like he was cutting hay. I'd also put my house numbers on it and call it a lawn ornament. You would enjoy the things people have in their yards down here. Old farm equipment, old mining equipment old car bodies, whatever. the rustier the better. ANd yes, there is a little JOhn deere L in a guys yard in a nice neighborhood. THere is also a old fordson in one and a little IHC A or B is one. ANd these are just normal sized lots.

Frankly I'd be inclined to tell them to tamp sand until someone with a judge's order or ordinance told me to move it.

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09-25-2006 15:58:26

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Hi shawn,

Probably the easiest way to deal with your new neighbor is too find our just what muff's him the most, like ugly buildings, farm animals, tractor sheads, old tracotrs on wheels that can be easyly moved, etc;

Most countys have a universal building code to work with and enforce. In that code has two very helpful codes to your cause:

1) They define temporary building as one that is screwed together, not nailed and on a skid foundadtion not concrete.

2) If such structure doesn't follow the UBC then the owner has 6mths to remove the vilolation before any fines can be levied.

Man just build what ever ticks him off and then set it as close to his property line right out in front and make it appear HE owns this junk, not you.

If you have a wide roadway in front of his property, pull your newly built trailer with your junker pick-up right in front of his place for a couple days. Once your caught with it remove it to another storage area for a couple months then bring it back for another visit where once again it breaks down right in front of his house.

Pretty soon your neighbor will be over knocking on your door to call a truce.


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Midwest redneck

09-25-2006 14:11:11

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Some folks arent happy no matter what you do. I have a neighbor that told me that I need to landscape my yard, (because he spent a fortune landscaping his and thinks that I should too) This same guy also wants me to blacktop my driveway, several hundred feet. (I was super close to saying, give me the money and I will pave it) Maybe you could fling some dog *oop at his house and then file a complaint that his house smells like dog *oop. (fight fire with fire)

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09-25-2006 13:24:35

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
I would be real surprised if you made any head way with a favorable agreement.
Thos type of people just wnat it all and then some.
Believe me I went thru it and the bad part is most of the stupid cities,town, and counties allow these people to harass you and do all they can to let them and then turn around and say it is not selective enforcement.
sad days in a free country where no one can live and just live.

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09-25-2006 13:12:05

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
we had some bozo try some bs selling a farm in parcels . the guy next farm put up big sign . i raise hogs they stink and make manure lots of it . it stinks more than hogs . i spread manure of these fields . stephenson co. has right to farm laws i was here first . i will contain to farm and haul manure on these feilds not thing one you can do about it .
if you buy any of this land you will have to live with it . the farmer bought the farm for less money as no one wanted to deal with it .

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09-25-2006 12:33:41

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
I shoulda just posted my say then shut up, but this whole kinda thang just sticks in my craw real bad. I ain't so much antisocial as antisocialite. You know them people who's so bored with their own silly lives that they jus gotta take on theyselves to try an run everbody else's life an try to make alla us jus like THEM.
Burns my butt worse'n a hot flame bout 3 foot high.
My attitude about all this started back 20 years ago when some broad that lived next door knocked on my door an said,"I'm over here to complain about that old jalopy you keep parked in the driveway. If you don't get rid of it I'll have my husband do some thing about it. He's a lawyer you know."
"That jalopy" was a glass body '33 Ford street rod that I not long after sold for more than 20 grand.
The whole problem about livin among people is the way so many of em want YOU to conform to THEIR viewpoint.
Let me get offa this box fore I fall an hurt myself.

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09-25-2006 18:16:47

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to jmixigo, 09-25-2006 12:33:41  
you needed to tell her kiss my butter you are on my property if you don't leave NOW you are tresspassing . have your husband defend you in court then buy another car

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09-25-2006 18:16:06

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to jmixigo, 09-25-2006 12:33:41  
you needed to tell her kiss my butter you are on my property if you don't leave NOW you are tresspassing . have your husband defend you in court then buy another car

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Chris Pritchard

09-25-2006 12:28:31

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Talk to the nieghbor and see if you two can come to an agreement. Somtimes it's just a case of you explaining that the tractor is not used very much, and they are the only ones so far to complain. If it is bitter, maybe try finding someone to be a mediator.

If it starts going to court, first, make sure the legal part is airtight- Nothing can make you get rid of it. Then let him try to sue you. I not sure if it's different in the US, but up here in Canada, you have to get a lawyer, serve the guy papers, and get a judge to hear the case. That all costs money, AT LEAST a minimum of 10,000 dollars to get into court. The sheer cost is somtimes enougth to cause someone to back off.

I would also suggest you tell your side of the story to the other nighebors. Often times, gossip and twisted stories can turn others against you, and chances are the nighbor in question does not like you enougth to tattle on about your habits in a negative way.

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Charlie in NY

09-25-2006 11:13:52

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Always the neighboors. And, it's usually just one set.

Put your chicken coop and yard where it blocks their view of your tractor. Or, put up a $200 shelter awning to cover it. The mower deck is also a great idea.

I live in a sub-divided farm that was cut into 20 acre sections (still "ag" zoned). The neighbors to our west are the only folks on the whole road that don't shoot or hunt. This has become our friction point. The first time after we moved in that I went into the woods to shoot (with a .54 caliber flintlock) the woman came over and asked my wife "how long does he keep this up"? Bless her heart, my wife said "all the 30 years I've known him." (She hunts, also).

Well, I'll never get used to that!" (Jumping theatrically each time there was a "boom").

So what do these people choose to have as pets? There free-range cats and two pit bulls in an "invisible fence". Now, whenever their dogs take on to barking (which is whenever a bird flies or caterpillar crawls) I say "I'll never get used to that". Our dog is a Kerry Blue Terrier and seldom barks. I once caught him pooping beside their deck, and was laughing so hard I never got around to yelling at him (smart enough to know they were locked inside . . . the little stinker).

I've got a chicken wire fence up well within my lines, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to put up a goat fence on the property just to keep Jake in and to avoid any problems on the occasions the bantams jump the run fence (which is frequently). We do try to keep the peace, but I will not be denied WHY I moved out to the "boonies" in the first place.

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09-25-2006 10:15:46

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Like one person said, get a mower to go behind it. Are they gonna outlaw mowers? They probably have an ordinance about how high the grass can get.
They way I see it is this. If it isn't violating a noise requirement, it should be ok. You have more than enough room for it. Its quieter than a motorcycle. Someone in your neighbor hood is bound to have a classic car. This is just the farmboys version. Things like this just make me sick.

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09-25-2006 08:43:05

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Heyu Shawn, I live just west of Murphy NC and have 2 tractors and my neighbors all love them. So---move on over and get out of that place. Reminds me of people that buy land near an airport, build a houe and the start complaining about the noise. We are only 60 mile from Franklin and this is OLD TRACTOR country. WNC is great. Besides, next time your neighbor comes to check on your tractor show him what a load of buckshot is. Put up no trespassing signs on his property line.

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jubilee johnny

09-25-2006 09:14:25

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to HENRY E NC, 09-25-2006 08:43:05  
I guess you already read my entry being from Franklin. My brother lives in Martins creek near you.

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37 chief

09-25-2006 08:07:55

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
We had a go-around with the city a while back over farm equipment parked along our driveway where Dad parked it when he stopped farming back in the 60's. Someone going by didn't like the looks of it, and complaned to the city. The city code inforcement person (young girl) came out and said we had to remove all of it. We finally convinced her this farm was here long before the city was established, and we still use some of it to keep the weeds down. Like someone else said,buy something like a mower and say you use the tractir on your land to control the weeds, or use it in your garden . We still live in a free country, but there are those out there trying to change that. Stan

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09-25-2006 07:24:45

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Put it in its own shed with walls or arrach it to the land as a power unit for a generator or something like that. When attached to the real estate it seases to be personal property and becomes real property as in realestate and should no longer be considered a motor vehicle which is personal property.

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Brian in NY

09-25-2006 07:24:24

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Let em complain. Unless they have a specific reason why the tractor is an annoyance, what grounds do they fight on? Fight any action he takes with a calm, concise argument and get your allies (neighbors) involved.
Until then, tell your small minded neighbor to go pound salt.

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Dave H (MI)

09-25-2006 07:18:51

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
People who live in places like that just seem to be unhappy a lot of the time. The trick in my experience is to win the first round. Zing the complainer with a lot of wasted time, effort and money and he will likely not try it again and most other neighbors will back off when they see they cannot push you around. Been my policy since it started about 15 years ago. Won't make you the most popular guy in the "neighborhood" though.

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Allan In NE

09-25-2006 07:25:03

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Dave H (MI), 09-25-2006 07:18:51  
You bet,

It's time to park that old A John right up in the front yard as close as possible to the neighbor's mailbox.

If that doesn't work, buy an old manure spreader to hook on behind it.

Then, if there is still a problem, load the spreader. :>)


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Allan In NE

09-25-2006 07:28:30

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Allan In NE, 09-25-2006 07:25:03  
Point being,

The original problem isn't the tractor, it's the neighbor. Handle it.


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09-25-2006 06:55:44

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Get a mower deck quick if you don't have one.
Proclaim that ol Deere is yore lawn mower.
Ain't nobody in a subdivision gone outlaw mowers.
My opinion sez ifen I caint set on the porch nekkid then its too close to town an too near the road.
As far as lissennin to wimmin--I caint here em. Mite be why I bin marryed 4 times tho.

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09-25-2006 06:55:07

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
This was my solution. We live in a retirement community of 300 homes.Two car attached garage. We brought the tractor in late at night,(a FOUR cylinder). Then we organized a hay ride for the old folks along with a hotdog roast. Our neighbors like the tractor and what we do with it. My desire is to have a John Deere B such as I was born and raised on. The added noise would "kill" the good feelings we have generated with our W4. So I have a situation that is acceptable to our neighbors,and my wife is happy because it was her idea to get a "pulling" tractor in the first place.Once every couple of weeks we start it up and drive it over to the golf course club house to shoot a few games of pool.When we do this the people come out to wave and pass the time of day. I know you are wondering,so I will confess right now,yes, she does beat me sometimes when playing pool.

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09-25-2006 06:53:07

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
I don't have any experience with sub-division regs. if they aren't actually laws or statutes. But . . . I've had lots of experience with new neighbors trying to get the law - to go after me and others for tractors (I've got over a hundred), property (eminent domain and adverse use), . . . even my chickens. New part-time neighbor from the New York City called the County Sheriff about my chickens - crossing the road which I own. Dairy farmer down the road from me has been taken to court for making "tractor noise" and manure spreading that creates a "foul smell." Even the Amish around here are having problems - making unsightly wheel tracks on the paved roads, horse manure, and going too slow. It's all bound to happen when differing cultures live too close. Now, if you live in some sort of planned development - and there are recorded restrictions - they are enforceable by law - but also subject to legal interpretation. It makes no sense to me - for you to have to spend money on a lawyer - unless you need to make a point. If you only wish to save your tractor - you'll quickly spend more than its worth regardless if you are right, or wrong. I'm not an attorney although I have some legal training - and I've studied these sort of issues and read stacks of case-law. Whatever the alleged infraction is (caused by your tractor) - is has to be in writing. It must be clearly defined. In this written document - there MUST be specific definitions for ANY words being used in the document. If the meaning of any word is not defined it is then open to what it usually means to the general public. This is a key issue. In your case - it would have to be proven - that there is a word or phrase being used, that includes your tractor. This may sound like mumbo-jumbo - and that's because it is. One example. In the area that I live in - under Town law - we have zoning districts. There are different laws (land use regs.) for different zones. I am zoned Rural-Agricultural. In my zone, no "junkyards" are permitted. So, my new neighbor tried to make me get rid of my tractors - because - my tractors constitute a JUNKYARD. That, even though they are in a remote field not visible to anyone - unless in a helicopter. My new neighbor could only have seen them if he was trespassing - but that's a different issue. He got a lawyer - it went to the Town Board first (cheaper than court). I went - and asked the Town Attorney to show me the legal definition of JUNKYARD in the Town Law. It is defined as "a collection of more than two unregistered motor-vehicles." I then asked - where is "motor vehicle" defined in the document - and it is not. So, by law - it has to be taken for dictionary-common usage. By that - motor vehicle includes - yes - tractors if driven on the road - and also riding lawn mowers - just about anything with an engine, tires, and ever driven on the road. So, I then asked - how many farmers and people with riding lawn mowers - have their "motor vehicles" registered? Well, that opened a new can of worms - and the whole thing got dropped. Now, the Town Board is rewriting the law and inserting additional definitions. Same sort of thing happened in another zone - Rural Residential. There are some old farms there - "grandfathered in", but the Town law says "agriculture" is illegal there. And, if any old existing farm - stops farming for one year - it is gone forever - never allowed to farm again. Well, a fight started between neighbors - over one guy that had a pet goat. The other neighbor claimed the guy with the goat was committing the illegal act of AGRICULTURE. So, it went to the Town Board. Here we go again. Agriculture is not defined within the Town's written law - so it must be used as found in the dictionary - and also as regarded by the State. I provided written evidence that - with the broad use of the word AGRICULTURE, someone mowing their lawn could be considered - mowing hay (illegal?). Pet dogs are licensed under the New York State Agriculture laws - so I guess pet dogs are also illegal. Then is was pointed out that trees are considered "agricultural" under many parts of the law. So, here we go again. It all got dropped, the guy kept his goat - and the Town is rewriting the law. Sorry for the long post - but I'm trying to make a point based on something that is very complicated. The reality is - if your case got into court - it's very likely that the judge will ignore the law - which might work FOR you - or against you. This happens all the time and that's why there are so many levels of appeals. If you hire a lawyer - you're spending money and it might get wasted. Many lawyers do not know much about the law - except for the specific sections of it they specialize in. So, unless you're lucky and find someone that has worked with similar issues - you may be paying an attorney that knows no more about the matter than you.

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09-26-2006 04:19:31

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to jdemaris, 09-25-2006 06:53:07  
It almost sounds to me that you might be from Cambridge, NY.. What you have discribed sounds a lot like what I have read in the paper the last year.

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Allan In NE

09-25-2006 07:03:49

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to jdemaris, 09-25-2006 06:53:07  

I still say it would be easier to go over there and tie his ears back behind his head in a slip knot.

You know, just tight enough to get his attention. :>)


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09-25-2006 06:33:41

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Hey Shawn, tell him "Ya my tractor is old and noisy, but so is your wife, and my tractor ain't ugly."

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09-25-2006 06:09:08

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Get his mind off the subject,go start flirting with his wife,,,,billy

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09-25-2006 05:38:19

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
I lived in a Acreage subdivision. Made sure that there was no covenants on the place. Works great until you do something they don't like. Then they yell "We need a covenants on that". It never ends. Maybe next time you can only mow on Sat from 10:00 to noon unless someone having birthday party then you can mow next week. But you can burn anytime you want because they burn there trash. even when its blowing smoke in your bed room window. Sorry I moved.

Rules 1. Guns 2. ATV
3. Barns
4. Fences
5. Trees
6. Water
7. Kids
8. Dog 9. Horses
10.Snow removal

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09-25-2006 05:37:45

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Get a copy of your county zoning regulations. That should make it clear as to what is allowed and what is not. Between that and the covenants not prohibiting tractors as such; you hopefully can visit with your neighbor and make peace.

If "tractors" are such an annoyance, then he can go before the local county zoning commission and get the law changed to prohibit them for everyone...not just you.

Good Luck

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Billy NY

09-25-2006 05:34:40

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
That is highly annoying, I just don't get the concept of a tightly woven sub-division, all it represents is an owner of land who wants the profit from the housing, so they make it as dense as they can get away with, and sell. And not to tick off or insult any developers here, it's ones right to cash in, but the darned things don't make any sense, market may say housing is needed but look at what happens in these places. Yes, you can afford your own home, come on down, yet you have room for nothing, not even privacy in your own back yard, then the associations, re-zoning, etc. etc. etc. The owner of said development exploits a piece of property for what it's worth, he's happy now, but it's kind of a joke, some people don't mind the layout, it's a little better then rowhouses, brownstones, multi familiy brick buildings of the past, that is why they sell.

We destroyed a 500 acre farm in NJ for K Hovnanian, Phase-I was 250 houses, one field was a 100 acres, of flat fertile soil, nice dark top etc. each home was 20 feet to the property line, 40 fee between them. You can have a basement if you buy before built, or you just get a slab. Absolutley no trees, all flat, it looked ridiculous. The site work was unreal to put this place it, absolutely unbelievable, the forman had us excavate giant borrow pits to get sand, guess where all the nice top soil went, right in the hole.

In a place like that, someone is going to get offended if you sneeze let alone pursue a hobby that involves equipment or similar. What you do in your driveway and or backyard is no one elses concern if it's within the law. I say look into all the paperwork available from your municipality like codes for, zoning, planning board, local legislation, get copies of all this and read up, might be posted on your municipality's website, see if there is anything stated, if not, I don't think your neighbor has a case, but he's going to be a continued nuisance, count on it. Does make you want to slap the stupidity out of him don't it ? LOL !!!!

Protective covenants, yes they were handing those out when the indians were the native inhabitants here, I'm sure the explorers were handed those when they bumped into plymouth rock, I'm sure a few of those were knocked loose, and fell directly into their hands, oh look Chris, no ships named Nina or Santa Maria allowed ! LOL Oh well, guess you get my take on these places.

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jubilee johnny

09-25-2006 05:24:35

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Why don't you come over to Franklin, NC where I live. Everyone likes old tractors around here. When I take mine out for a ride on the main hiway (4lane hiway 441) for days afterward folks see me and tell me they saw me on my old tractor...

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09-25-2006 05:26:52

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to jubilee johnny, 09-25-2006 05:24:35  
I'm not far from you. We are just over in Granville County!

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Devin Sparks

09-25-2006 10:59:57

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 05:26:52  
Where are you in Granville county. I live in the southern part of the county.


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09-25-2006 11:01:51

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Devin Sparks, 09-25-2006 10:59:57  
Just off of woodland Church Rd.

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Devin Sparks

09-26-2006 03:20:43

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 11:01:51  
You are further south than I am. I am along the Tar river


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Dave 2n

09-25-2006 05:20:52

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Do like Oliver in SC says below: go to a lawyer to make sure of the legalities of the situation and if it's on your side, let the neighbor know how the situation stands.

Big Mike is right about these homeowner groups; too many people that don't know "skit from Sinola" with too much time on their hands.

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Oliver in SC

09-25-2006 05:07:50

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
Barney says "nip it in the bud". If this is a serious issue to you, spend a hundred bucks and consult a lawyer. Maybe the neighbor is singling you, AND, your family out for whatever reason. Is the nosy neighbor harrassing (or spying) on you? Talk to your neighbor and let him know you would like to keep the peace but the tractor is important to you. I'll leave it at that.

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Allan In NE

09-25-2006 05:07:07

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  

There is nothing to go to court over.

You might have to offer to set this guy down on the backside of those silly short pants that he wears.

Your property is none of his concern. He needs to understand this concept.


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Nebraska Cowman

09-25-2006 05:11:26

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Allan In NE, 09-25-2006 05:07:07  
Now Allan, I consider you a neighbor and that might work for us but when your neighbor lives so close you can see him that presents a small problem. If you rile him up he ain't gonna forget it soon. I say he better keep peace.

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Allan In NE

09-25-2006 05:47:06

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 09-25-2006 05:11:26  
Yeah, I guess.

But, when people live in a pile, seems like ya always end up with someone else's heel in yer eye. :>)


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Nebraska Cowman

09-25-2006 05:57:24

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Allan In NE, 09-25-2006 05:47:06  
So hey, are you getting frost up there Allan? I see my wheat peeking though yesterday. I'll try to get some pics later.

third party image

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Allan In NE

09-25-2006 06:06:31

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 09-25-2006 05:57:24  

This cold snap kind of moved on east, I guess. It sure took a toll on the alfalfa tho. Just looks a little "smoke-colored" out there. So, I'll probably wait til the end of the week before I drop it.

First, I'm gonna help the neighbor screw 300 acres of wheat in the ground as he got caught in the wet and hasn't got a kernal planted yet.

Maybe I can pull the rod ahead of him so he can get started.


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Nebraska Cowman

09-25-2006 04:50:54

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
I don't think you have to prove anything. If there are no stipulations against the tractor, and it is parked in a secluded area and not a derilict, it seems that the burden of proof is on them. Why is it an "annoyance"? Are you driving it around at 5 am waking up the neighbors on Sunday morning? Or is your neighbor just annoyed cuz he don't have one? What about the damn jetski setting in his driveway? Don't that look just like hell parked there all week? Let me come fight him.

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09-25-2006 04:56:31

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 09-25-2006 04:50:54  
That is just the thing....we have no idea why it is an annoyance?!?! I run it maybe once every two weeks, during the day on saturdays! Our other neighbors love the tractor. At least we don't have a homeowner's association, just protective covenants.

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Nebraska Cowman

09-25-2006 05:07:52

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:56:31  
Just be nice to your neighbor. In all things be polite & professional. If he takes you to the council you can get friendly neighbors to stand up with you. I doubt he has much footing.

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Big Mike. Geeeeez!

09-25-2006 04:44:48

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to ShawnNC, 09-25-2006 04:37:19  
That's what I hate about these So-Called Homeowner Groups! Do you have a Garage you can park her in? You might hafta leave the WIFES car sit out, but..... ";^)) Good Luck!

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09-25-2006 05:01:02

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Big Mike. Geeeeez!, 09-25-2006 04:44:48  
Those places are designed by women, built buy women, purchased by women, and policed by women. As such the only men that will live there are the "Girly boys" who enjoy being led around by the nose by their women. Get out of that place as soon as possible. It will soon leave you a neuter gender gutless wonder unless you scram right now.

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09-25-2006 06:32:20

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Vern-MI, 09-25-2006 05:01:02  
Vern, I don"t know where you come off with that idea. My wife says she don"t either. She said I could type this. Personally I liked your reply, but I never type anything she don"t approve cause she said I shouldn"t. Have a Super day, now I"m gonna go watch Days of our Lives. With her. Cause she said I could if I was real quiet. :-))

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Jimmy King

09-25-2006 09:08:19

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Harley, 09-25-2006 06:32:20  
When I was dairy farming I could take a good nap during Days of Our Lives. She did wake me up some because I was snorring.

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09-25-2006 10:35:45

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 Re: Help..Neighbor trying to get rid of my tractor in reply to Jimmy King, 09-25-2006 09:08:19  
In my younger days and before kids. If I was around to watch Days Of Our Lives with the wife I would get a good tractor ride and then a nap. She used to think I was so sweet that I would come in during the middle of the day. Watching figure skating with her had good results as well.

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