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OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what?

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Sad in SD

01-13-2004 06:50:33

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Sorry for posting such a dark subject. But, after attending the second funeral in less than two weeks for farmer friends under 60 years of age that have died from cancer, I have to bring the matter up.
What in the world have we done to ourselves? Whether through our lifestyle or enviroment, have we created this scourge of mankind, or is it just evolution at work?
It just took one BSE infected cow to create a near national panic. Yet, we bury our friends on a daily basis, without ever asking why? At yesterday's funeral after the services, a group of mourners were visiting, when one of them ( a retired USAF Lt. Col.) stated: "A hundred years or so from now, history will show that most of these early life deaths were just a goverment program to balance the Social Security budget." That couldn't be, could it?...or, hmmm?

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01-14-2004 08:28:41

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
Government program? Silly thought!
The government can barely concieve, design, and implement a program that makes sense, is supported by the majority of the public, and is well publicized. Let alone a program whose intent is to kill it's own citizens to balance a budget. Stan

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Lynn Kasdorf- check this

01-14-2004 07:26:41

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
For any of you who are tired of the cancer "machine" in today's "health care" system:


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doug stockman

01-14-2004 02:58:37

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
I would like to help put things in perspective. It is unfortunate that may of us die from cancer. The incidence of many cancers increases with age. Therefore, the longer you live, the more likely we will get some form of cancer.

Now on to the rest of the world. About 75% of the world's population lives in developing countries. Probably 90% of these people live in abject poverty in conditions similar to what our great great grand parents lived in about 100 years ago. Many of these people live in mud huts or flimsy shanties make out of scraps. Close to 50% have no access to safe drinking water or sanitation facilities, medical care, paying jobs, etc. Their mortality rates are high. For example, in many countries in West Africa, out of every 1,000 live births about 200 children die before their fifth birthday. Average life expectancy is under 50. If you are lucky enough and have a good immune system to make it through childhood, then you may still get cancer and die in terrible pain because there is no access to medicines.

I would say we in the developed world have it so much easier in many ways. When refugees come to the US, almost none of them want to go back to their country of origin, even if the war in their home country were to stop. And refugees are dirt poor in the US.

We all must die. Almost all of us will get sick before we die, or we will die a traumatic death. The nursing homes are full for a reason. To reduce your chances of premature death basically be smart, do things in moderation, exercise regularly, do not get too fat, avoid things that are known to cause cancer, don't sleep around and enjoy every moment you have.

By the way, I spent 1 year in Liberia, West Africa and 2 years in Ghana, West Africa. I am just getting involved in Honduras, Central America. I was an unpaid volunteer for those 3 years. I lived in small rural villages and had way too many children and decent people die on me from both preventable and unpreventable causes. About 40% of my clinical practice here in the US are refugees.

Ok, now I am off my soapbox.

Douglas Stockman, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept. FamMed U. Rochester
Medical Director, Family Medicine Center
Director, International and Refugee Health

I own 3 IH tractors and have a great time with them.

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01-13-2004 20:58:22

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
Read an article awhile back that said that to a great degree we are killing ourselves with cleanliness and medication. The premise of the study was that all the antibacterial soaps, cleansers, etc keeping us so clean on the outside combine with all the mecicines being prescribed for every little sniffle keeping us clean on the inside our bodies were forgetting how to cope. Our bodies customarily would be exposed to small amounts of various bacterias, viruses, etc and building an immunity to these things a little at a time. Now with everything so clean our bodies don't have anything to respond to so they can't building the immunities needed from the small stuff, so when it gets hit with a big dose of bacteria, virus, or whatever it overloads our system and we get alot sicker than we should because that "immunity buffer" isn't there. As for cancer and other diseases, I think it's a shame this country can waste billions of dollars on things that just don't matter instead of spending it on research that could help people who have them. Just my .02 My condolescenses to the family. I lost a Grandfather to cancer. He was diagnosed with it and passed less than 6 months later, so I know how hard it can be...

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01-13-2004 18:54:32

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
Hey where here till we die and its up to you to make the best of it.Enjoy life now as you get one shot only.Im 62 sitting here with cancer my dadis 88 has it my brother61 has had it and abunch of our relatives.Im enjoying life yet working with my kids on our street rods and enjoying every minute of life as it goes on till we fade away.Enjoy life hug your wife and kids go to bed wake up and keep enjoying life as it is.

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i r baboon

01-13-2004 17:11:46

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
sir, there is no such thing as evolution, never was, neither can u or anyone prove otherwise. be blessed, nik

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sounds like Dale Gribble

01-13-2004 16:20:22

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  

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01-13-2004 15:55:12

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
How about this. A hundred years ago people died of many different diseases that have been pretty much brouht under control. Since we aren`t being killed by those diseases, we are living long enough for cancer to kill us. When cancer is brought under some sort of control, we will live long enough for some other disease to become more prevalent. In the end, unless they find a cure for it, old age will kill us anyway.

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Lynn Kasdorf - Leesburg,

01-13-2004 12:38:13

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
My opinion is that there is not really a conspiracy, but that our lifestyles are killing us.

When you walk through a typical grocery store it is unbelievably hard to find any wholesome food. By that I mean food that is not loaded with trans fats, refined flour, refined sugar, preservatives, pesticide residue, or generally processed to an extent that nearly all nutrition has been forced out of it.

My feeling on cancer is that nothing "causes" it, per se. What hapens is that our immune systems get weakened through a number of things. Most of us don't get the ideal combination of nutrients that will keep our bodies in good repair.

We generally dont get the exercise we used to when we had to really work for a living.

Combine that with increased exposure to man-made toxins like herbacides, out gassing from plastics, glues, etc, constant exposure to 60 hz magnetic fields...a weaken body will fail one way or another. Cancer is a syptom of a body being unable to fend off the mutations of cells that happen all the time.

Sorry to pontificate, but you brought it up...

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01-13-2004 13:06:41

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 Re: Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Lynn Kasdorf - Leesburg, , 01-13-2004 12:38:13  
I agree with this.

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01-13-2004 11:49:32

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
Well, I haven't done any research so I don't have any numbers and cannot say for sure, but I do not believe that there is a preponderance of cancer victims in rural areas. That is to say that there is at least no more in rural areas than in urban ones.

Cancer and heart disease are the two largest killers of people in this country. The reason for that is because we are living longer by average and have eradicated many things that killed more in the past. Accidents and complications from simple infections used to kill many more. Since that is no longer the case, we live longer and fall to other things like cancer and heart disease.

I go to farm auctions from time to time and are sometimes appalled by the poor physical conditon that many older farmers are in. Moreover, many are NOT getting their preventative care like annual physicals. That is very evident when I see morbidly obese individuals with rotting teeth just kind of waddling around. Many simply do not go to the doctor until it is too late. Cancer is one of those things that really must be caught early.

Some of the cancers and heart problems are a result of an increasingly sedentary lifestyle as well as poor diet. Eating right and exercising properly will reduce those things to a certain extent.

Now, I am sorry to hear about your friends and maybe there is some kind of problem localized to your area. That could very well be the case. There were a lot of toxic things in the 40s and 50s that we used daily without knowing that they were dangerous.

That being said, I do NOT believe that cancer is some sort of government conspiricy that has been perpetrated on dwellers of rural areas. That is just too silly to contemplate seriously.

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Paul in Mich

01-13-2004 11:37:04

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
Sad, Did the Good Col. offer any evidence for his "Expert opinion"? Or does he think that his title alone qualifies him to make such an outrageous statement? CAncer has been around al long as mankind, and it is like many other diseases does not discriminate. I doubt that lifestyle or environment has any more or any less impact today than it did a hundred years ago. The l;ife expectency of our human race has increased greatly in that same period, so we are doing something right. Maybe not enough nor quite fast enough to meet some peoples time table, but we are doing something right. The ultimate breakthrough is going to be when we focus on the things that do make a positive impact rather than on the manusha that constricts real progress. So sorry to hear about your friend. A paster once told me that who are we to think that Heaven is reserved only for old people.

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Terry Nelson

01-13-2004 11:04:02

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
My wife and I are both retired miitary officers. I really have a problem with military retirees who use their grade and military experience to authenticate their social or political ideas. For example, they pop up on talk radio stations claiming universal support for their issues from the military community, assuming that they're designated spokespersons for the rest of us. I wish these old dufusses would just shut up and accept the fact, as I have, that it's time to hand over the reins. My condolences to you and the family of the deceased.

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Kelly C

01-13-2004 09:29:07

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
Sooner or latter they will figure this out.
They are just now starting to treat this as some thing other that just an illness.
I have read a few things but didnt understand all of it. One thing I read was they think cancer maybe related to a virus also maybe genetic responses to this type of virus make some people get it and others not get it.
Didnt understand all of it. Kinda went over my head.
I also found interesting another article I read.
They were wondering why when they remove a tumor another one just springs up
Come to find out the tumor that is active sends a chemical signal that inhibits the growth of any others that may be in the system. IE it turns them off with this chemical or on with out the chemcal present.
With all these smart people working on this. You would think they could come up with a sythisized version of this chemical and there by turn off any other dormant cancer sells in the system?
ANy one else read any of that stuff?

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01-13-2004 09:20:30

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
I don't think that it is just farmers who are victims of cancer, but rather, all of the population of rural areas. I think,(and I don't know for sure) that this high incidence of cancer in rural areas can be attributed to the testing of the atom bombs way back when. The military knew there was a health risk associated with the fallout, and chose to do the tests on days when the prevalant winds would carry the fallout to less populated rural areas, thus affecting the least amount of people possible. I think that we are still suffering the consequences of that testing today. I hope I didn't open up a can of worms.

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01-13-2004 17:56:19

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 Re: Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to rustyfarmall, 01-13-2004 09:20:30  
I forgot to include in the above...I don't blame any government ageny or anyone else. When these products were introduced and the above ground testing was being conducted the world was in a learning stage. We did a lot of things and used a lot of chemicals that did wonders for the crops and insect control, we just hadn't learned yet the long term consequences.

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01-13-2004 17:45:30

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 Re: Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to rustyfarmall, 01-13-2004 09:20:30  
Read a book a few years ago, wish I could remember the name of it. The thing I found most interesting, and I'm not saying that it is related, is it had maps of every nuclear test conducted. Pretty much followed the same pattern. From Nevada, through the southwest, across the south and up the east coast or directly across the country due east. Had a few good points in about like how the government and Kodak had worked out an arrangement with their photographic paper plant in Chattanooga where ther would give them a 48 hour notice of a test because the fallout was causeing spots on their paper. The writer did mention farmers were considered at risk because they were out in the fields working while most people were inside. I happened across the book by doing a search on survival at the local library. That doesn't bother me to much because i wasn't around for most of it. What does bother me is remembering walking down those rows as a kid carrying a 2.5 gallon sprayer loaded with DDT and a variety on other things that have been made illegal to use here. (and a little of it dripping down my backside occassionally) I should mention that both my parents and a few neighbors have died of cancer. Seems like a lot of folks in the community died of cancer....think there is a connection?

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01-13-2004 13:41:23

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 Re: Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to rustyfarmall, 01-13-2004 09:20:30  
I would rather take my chances with a little extra background radiation than a cocktail of organic chemicals. The mix of herbacides, pestacides we inhale and adsorb in day to day weed and insect control has to have an effect. If the stuff kills weeds and bugs, what is it doing to us? Plus it's stored in body fat for years. Radiation dose varies from 300mrem to 7000rem depending in altitude, local radon gas and soil deposits of natural radio nuclides. Ever check a piece of granite, old pottery, a lantern mantle or a grinding wheel with a frisker?

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01-13-2004 08:20:58

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
...wonder how the good colonel came to this conclusion??? is he a doctor? did he work with some "black program" which developed a super secret technique to infect certain individuals with deadly organisms? was he witness to a mean-spirited right-wing conspiracy??? obviously, some professions have inherent risks... coal miners (at least in years past) suffered "black lung"... construction workers risk serious injury or death on an almost daily basis... you get my drift... as far at the farming industry goes, think about it... farmers work long hours on a daily basis, in all sorts of weather, breathe in just about anything imaginable (from dust to chemicals) and face the risk of working around all types of machinery... the list could go on! I'm saddened when I hear of anyone's passing... but in this case, its usually the result of a lifetime of hard work in unfavorable conditions... not a government plot to save money! On a positive note, we can learn from all this. We are more aware than ever of the hazards we face on a daily basis. It is a personal choice to wear safety glasses, a respirator, or various types of protective clothing when working with or around hazardous materials. There are things WE can do to minimize the risks associated with the activities we enjoy!

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01-13-2004 17:18:27

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 Re: Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to D.L., 01-13-2004 08:20:58  
Dont Beleive All You hear & Only Half of What You See. Thats my take on life.

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Fred OH

01-13-2004 08:02:25

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 Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Sad in SD, 01-13-2004 06:50:33  
Well, I'll say one thing about that Lt. Col..."The devil hates a coward!"

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01-13-2004 08:12:42

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 Re: Re: OT...Are we killing ourselves...or what? in reply to Fred OH, 01-13-2004 08:02:25  
With all due respect for the Lt. Col, cancer has been with human kind for thousands of years. As much as we may think of Social Security as an experiment gone wrong (Ponzi was put in jail for much less) it is unproductive to think of cancer as a government plot.

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