I'll try to help as others did for me. You have a Model F Fordson. Serial number is stamped on right side of engine, sitting in driver's seat, located ahead of vaporizer and just above manifold. Let me know the number, and i'll tell you the year built. There are parts available, but you have to do some looking. Ebay is a great place to find everything from valves to tools. Also, coils rebuilt come from Ron Patterson, modeltcoils@sprynet.com, boxes are always on Ebay. It uses a water washer, but there is a conversion to a modern filter if you don't want to bother with the water. Gas tank source would have to be a junk yard or maybe Rosewood Machine and Tool, (937) 362-3871. New spark plugs are from John Brillman at www.Brillman.com, and also some common parts with Model T sources such as Lang's Old Car Parts, (800) 872-7871. Hope this helps. Bob