Myassistis, I have replied below. You are on a very sore subject as to the demise of Fordson!! Henry Ford wanted to design and build a tractor to help farmers throughout the world. Unfortunately the other members of the company did not, so Henry moved tractor production to a new company Fordson, first in Ireland then at Dagenham where they produced the world famous Fordson Major and Dexta ranges. At this time,the UK produced and exported per year, more tractors that the US and the rest of the world added together. Fordson tractors made up the majority of these units. When the Fordson company was taken back under U.S control in the 1960's, the Ford board started to look for buyers for the tractor side. They combined with New Holland simply to gain a range of products that made the business more attractive to a buyer and eventually sold out to Fiat. I do not think that it is realised in the US what an asset the company had in production and design here in the UK. All the Ford board were interested in were cars and a quick profit. They had nearly global domination in tractor production and threw it away.