The Fordson train engine has not been restored. It is sitting outside next to my dad's shop building. After the mill closed during the Depression, it was up in the woods near the old mill. At some point someone took the engine off of it to be used for something else. Possibly to keep another Fordson running. In the early 70's my dad had a Cat clearing brush around the old mill and drug the Fordson train engine through the woods and it has sat next to his shop since then. In the mid 70's I thought about fixing it up and actually bought a running Fordson for the engine. However, I decided the Fordson was too good to take apart. Instead we just put a block, radiator, tank, from a junker tractor to make a nicer static display. After buying that first running Fordson, it started a 30 hobby of antique tractors and engines for me. I'm not sure what I'll do with the Fordson train. Would be nice to restore it some time, but it would be a bit spendy to make the wood tracks that it should run on.