Sounds like you are on the right track.Mine was sitting about the same amount of time.Here is a few things I learned. Replaced or repaired all the battery and starter cables.Use at least 2 gauge or bigger. Clean the starter and replace the brushes. Replace the lift pump.A Massey (forgot the tractor model) pump is cheaper.Use the arm from the old pump, rotating the diaphram housing so the fuel lines line up with the original positions. Eliminate all fuel leaks, purge the air at the filter and injectors. I used the original filter but added petcocks on top to make it easier and faster to purge air out. There is two bolts, one in and one out. Tap those out, which is easy. Add a filler plug on the injection pump half way up the upper side cover.Fill with motor oil.I would spray the inside with WD40 or use diesel fuel before adding motor oil.Also spray the governor plunger real well which is under the metal bell up where the two vacuum lines come in. Good luck.