Thanks to all that have been helping me.. but i've lost faith here and tried everything it seems. Im going to write a long description about what i've been doing and have tried on the TE20. It will no longer run even on ether and if it does somehow kick over and run a little it stumbles bad.. doesnt take a mixture adjustment and just chokes out and dies.The tractor has a brand new manifold and gaskets that are installed correctly and tight. It has a rebuilt carb that i thoroughly cleaned and set the float correctly. I've never rebuilt a tractor carb but i think everything is right inside and it did run for awhile. New vertical exhaust. New points/condensor. Newish plugs and universal wires which all have spark. I installed a sediment bowl from a TO35 which didnt work right with the way it drained in and opened (i think it needed another vent or something).. so it now has just a shut off valve direct to the carb inlet. The "secret" filter is now completely clean. Gas tank has been coated and flows clean. Bowl of carb was taken off and inspected.. clean and clear. All different mixtures have been tried. Pulled center wire off of distributor and held to ground. Light blue/white spark up until about 1/4" away from ground source. Fresh Optima battery. The strange thing is that i had the tractor running beautifully for about 15 minutes when i returned it had stalled and would not restart. It ran intermittently with ether fueling it and now doesnt even start consistently with ether sprayed into it. I know fuel,spark,air makes an engine run.. Its got air.. i checked each plug for spark. The plugs fire but not very consistently.. should be plenty to make it run though. The fuel now flows completely uninterrupted from tank to carb and flows out the bowl like the cow peein on the rock.. Any thoughts? Im completely lost here..
Thanks for the continued help..