Ton, YES its possible if one has the specs and data etc but its NOT a job I get into over the net. Basically a Generator dont know what voltage its supposed to generate, it increases as its turned faster and/or theres more current passed through its field windings which increases the magnetic field strength in which the armature is rotating. I have used 6 volt generators to charge 12 volt batterys simply by changing the Voltage Regulator to a 12 volt. An 8 volt battery just sitting fully charged ought to read 8.4 volts, so the gen has to put out 8.6 volts or so and over to charge the battery. If theres an old fashioned mom n pop type of a Generator n Starter repair shop nearby they can adjust the VR for you, and I have seen operators manuals with VR adjusitgn procedures, but again, I have no data or specs here. Adjusting them involves setting air gaps and/or spring tensions to cause the relays to latch in easier or harder but it takes some equipment and know how and a manual to figure it out usually. Im not a fan of the 8 volt system, if I was gonna fiddle with it I would go ahead and convert it to 12 so it would be more standard. If you use like 00 Gauge battery n starter n ground cables, have a good ground and all good connections, and have a heavy duty high CCA rated battery, a 6 volt system ought to start okay. Sorry no help, best wishes n good luck John T, retired electrical engineer in Indiana