Lots of other places on the net to get them. Couple of my favorites are ----- -- and davistractor.com. They both have them ~$30. I got a exhaust at TSC last year, any place like that will have them or can get them. The muffler & exhaust pipe is all one unit, it is flanged where it goes on the exhaust manifold, and uses a special flanged clamp, no dounut or gasket like a lot of cars use. The clamp is the same as a Ford N clamp. The muffler looks like a N muffler too, but I never looked at it close enough to say for sure if it is the same or not. Before you spend any money - if'n it ain't both'ern you, leave it.... No really, take a look at that clamp and the flange first. They are notorious for leaking. Might just need to clean-up the mating surfaces and install a new clamp. Watch out for that clamp, it goes on both ways, but only one way is the "right" way and will give you a good seal. Some guys use a little muffler repair cement, or the like, when they re-assemble it just for insurance against leaks. My experience was the mufflers have a cheap paint job that burns off in about an hour... and starts to rust pretty much right away.... A coating of manifold paint might help that, but unless you get the cheap paint off first it is probably a waste of time. Good luck!