Thanks to everyone for coming back so quickly. I was refering to the subject heading in my first sentence "Harry Ferguson TO-50" This is what is on the serial plate or name tag under steering wheel. This tag is in very good shape and is plainly TO-50 nothing else except pattent no's. The engine serial no. is not as clear but after double checking is Z120 100322 it also has a 1 and 2 on vertical the 1 on top 2 under on the extreme right hand side of the plate. I was not accurate about the casting no's,they are Z120A-600 cast into the motor block left side at about the starter area, TO-4024 diferential and pto housing, TO-7006 on the trans housing, the transmission cover is seperate from steering box and there is no external oil filter. The castings are not chipped or damaged. I went out and checked these no's in day light to make sure there were no mistakes it is for sure TO-50 on the serial plate nothing esle. Thanks for all your efforts on this question. Gary M (MN)