OK, guys. My dad and I have decided to rebuild the hydraulic pump and components in our TO-30. He is an old tractor mechanic, and knows how to rebuild them, but we are trying to better understand the operation so we can find our problem. With an implement attached, the lift will fall in about 15 seconds with the engine turned off. We would like to improve this, as it is causing some problems with operation of the lift.Well, when we tore the pump apart, we noticed the e-clip had fallen out of the control valve. Does anyone know why the control valve rotates back and forth in it's bore? It is just to keep it from freezing up? Could this missing e-clip have caused the control valve to work improperly? Also, what is the function of the relief valve? Should it leak significant amounts of oil out the small holes in its periphery? When we put compressed air (about 100 psi) into the pressure port, and close everything off, the pressure leaks around the relief valve. Is this normal? Also, what exactly can go wrong with the control valve? I know it is common practice to replace these, but why? If it fits tightly in the bore, will it be OK? Ours seems to fit snugly in the bore, without too much wear. What exactly is the function of the poppet needle inside the control valve? How critical is the condition of the piston and rings? Ours have a few scores in them, but don't seem to be leaking much oil at all. In fact, when we looked inside the side cover, we saw no oil coming from the piston. Should I still replace these, or is it a waste of money? Any other tidbits regarding the operation of this system, especially the operation of the control valve, would be appreciated. Also, I have lookied online at the FOF website and the Holland website. Any other good explanations of this system? Sorry for all the questions. :) Thanks again. Shane