I remember as a kid in the first grade when the teacher would read to us after lunch, and my teacher began with "Little House In The Woods", or whatever the Laura Ingalls Wilder "Little House" series were. Anyway, in one of the books, probably the first book she described how their dog, Jack curled up in his bed at night time, spinning around three times in his bed to pack it just right before he laid down in it. Thats the way ours often did it and still do. The whole series was pretty good. The books were about 5 million times better than the show which did nothing for me. But then again, books always paint a better picture than TV.

Grew up with dogs. Love them. Every time I have to put one down from old age or illness and say I will never get another so never have to do that again, I lie becaue eventually, I get another. Have two more now.

Great Poem. I have to say my dog is family and owns the deed to the house. He really has been the best dog I've ever had. He's older now,(12yr.) but still plays like he is young. They can be real companions and as the saying goes,.."The difference between a dog and a human is the dog wags his tail and not his tongue".
Seeing that stack of stuffed toys makes me think about my "lifetime" dog. A male Britt with a whole lot of attitude. 40 word vocabulary.
Stuffed toys were like a sworn enemy to him. He would have them torn apart and the stuffing out in like "Gone in 60 seconds". He would tear the cover off a tennis ball in about 2 minutes. Ditto baseball. But he would bring you back a quail, or dove or pheasant, still alive, and place it in your hand.
my Border Collie Gus is the best friend Ive ever had.He knows when I am sad and feeling hopeless.He watches me constantly.He will crawl up in my lap and sniff at the tears in my eyes and press his head againt my face.At other times he will growl and chew on my shoes and leap around me barking.No one can understand the affection that dogs have for us.Gus dosent care if I need a shave or my clothes smell like the cowbarn.He rings a small bell by the kitchen door when he has to go out.I get a loud bark if I am slow to respond.
I know what you mean Gus. My border collie knows how to open the door herself and go out. Its one of those lever type handles and she learned how to open it on her own. she is 8 now and every once in awhile I think of how hard its going to be to say good bye to her.
I lost my first one when he was 10 years old.But the pleasure these smart dogs bring you makes up for losing them.
The more people I meet, the more I like my dogs.


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If one doesn't love their dog, they must be sick in the head? A perfect day for me lately is sitting outside watching my dog have a good time on a nice sunny day.

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