Why this site is so great


Well-known Member
everyday or night I read something interesting on this site. What starts out as one topic may lead into amazing stories, I read the topic about spam and is was a very good thread, then I read Jdsellers story about being in vietnam and saving the childrens lives, I think that was the most beutiful story I have ever read on this site, That is whats so great about this site, It is for tractors,but the amazing,kindhearted people you meet along the way here is something very special and I am so glad I found this site and partake in it.. just my thoughts for the day... Larry
I will second snoop-nc comment. Larry your masonry projects inspire people just by seeing what can be done. What I have found out in this life is: If you help those that really need it you will be paid back ten fold. I have tried to help those in real need all of my life. I have quite a few good friends and adopted family because of that. Thats even with me being a cranky old SOB. Some days I can"t even stand to be with myself. LMAO

All of you have a good day!!!!
speaking ogf great What happened to the howels and Allen from NE do miss those folk a lot of wisdom JUST HAD TO ASK
(quoted from post at 08:05:09 03/29/11) speaking ogf great What happened to the howels and Allen from NE do miss those folk a lot of wisdom JUST HAD TO ASK

Allen from NE is having some health issues. He'll be back, but a few prayers would be in order.
I guess what I like about this side of the site
is ..... There isn"t any bad mouthing what the
writer drives/use"s or ask"s about.. From what
I find is a wealth of knowledge among the words
written.... A Added smile/chuckle to complete
one"s day.
I think this site is a pot of gold..... The information shared here is priceless! People who enjoy tractors are the best....
Larry, I enjoy your pictures and I do admire the quality of work you do. The pictures show me a part of the country I've never seen (yet) but would like to someday.

The conversations and pictures on this site give me an idea of what real down-home life is like in another part of the world.

There's a wealth of collective knowledge here. I was struggling with those magnetic gauges in the project I'm on, so I posted on this site and some of you got me straightened out. Keep up the good work. Jim
I know there is some O/T stuff I contribute a lot of it myself, but in the long run I have made so many friends, Have gained an enormous amount of info about tractors , my furnace , and well,---- the list goes on and on too much to place in a short version.
It all came from TT I appreciate those friends that believe that there is more to life than tractors.

I never would have joined this site if I didn't have interest in them as well.

I see the Howells are posting intermittently ,
Allan we need to get running on all 4 cylinders.
Prayers will bring them through.
I agree ist a useful tool, or site, Maybe they should rename it to somerthing like Farm, General life, and tractor talk! ;) lol
I am addicted to these forums. Have been mechanic for 50 years now and learn something every day here. I will just say that SPAM story really says a lot about people.
I for one am happy to be back after a 10 year hiatus. (Long story short; divorce=loss of tractors).

I don't recognize anyone here but just in the 3 weeks that I've owned my first antique ford tractor, I've come to realize again of how much this forum, (you guys), keep folks like myself up and running.

It's a true pleasure to be back and I don't think I've been on any other forum that has as good and as genuine sort of folks as we have here.
The other thing is you maybe shouldn't have left.
Unlike tractors real friends on here, unlike tractors have a heart and compassion. I have seen some getting that Moral support that was needed as well.
So true. I've met several of the regular posters in person, and communicate with Dave from MN and JMS./MN on a regular basis. My world is a better place having the people on this site as friends.
Stories like JD's is why I get so irritated about some idiot bleating "What's this got to do with tractors?" Thanks for sharing that with us- and I forgive you for not reminding us of how to time the mag on a Farmall Regular.
This site reminds me of sitting in the old time farm store, barber shop, or hardware and talking to the locals about farm and home stuff only I can do it any time I want. I check once or twice a day but don't post much. I learn more by listening than talking.
Thanks for asking about Nancy and me.

I read a couple of the forums every day.

Sometimes just like to sit back and "listen" for a while and hear what other have to say.

Try to post some photos now and then about what"s going on at the farm.

Keep in mind we're away from this computer Friday through Sunday.

Right now I"m teaching a class on Monday and Wednesday night so that limits my time.

Thanks again for asking; we appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Really enjoy your "random" photos and stories about them.

Just a good place to visit with others and catch up on what's of interest to them.

I enjoy the photos of whatever forum members want to share.

This forum is the only way I'll ever get to see/visit other parts of our country.

Don't know where I read it but, "learn what you need and share what you know".
I certainly appreciate forum members that share with others.

Thanks for the book you gave me; read some more of it Sunday night.
Thanks for asking about us.

You know that we're just a hotmail or Christmas Eve phone call away.

Nancy and I both appreciate your friendship and support during some "harsh" times on this forum.
Hay Larry
I couldn't agree with you more. The tractor Talk thread gives us the opertunity to network with our cyber friends with serious questions and share common intrests. For the pure tractor people there are the Brand specific forums to get and share tech. info. If one want's to just BS there is T Tales I personally enjoy what you,and all the regulars are up to, what your neck of the woods looks like, what the weather is across the country, and who grew the biggest spud or mator. Knowone has to own a 500 acer spread and 10 tractors to qualify to be a legitimate poster here. there are often posts that that seem really stupid to a veteran mechanic or farmer, but the way I look at it is, that here, is another person who has decided that rural living has many advantages and that those people who ask those questions are hungry for knoledge that past city life never taught them. It's been said many times here that there are no dumb questions, however there is always a narrow minded person who gives a dumb answer. Fortunately those NM people don't blend and survive here.
Stay in touch, The Acg.
For some reason, I just picture everyone who posts in here is probably wearing some coveralls, or suspenders when they post! don't forget the dirt under the nails either!

I haven't been here very long, but I thank you all for the help you have shared with me, and thanks to Yesterday's Tractor for being near to me here in Washington State. (one hour drive)
This was the first forum I ever found (about 5 years ago)and is still the best I've run across. I've learnt a lot here, and sometimes I get to pass on a little of my knowlege. I think the OT stuff is generally OK as we are the kind of people who just love to 'do stuff'. Love your photos Larry.
Being somewhat new to this site, all of you folks have made me feel very welcome, whether I need info. on a tractor related item or a pick-me-up when things aren't going my way. I am simply amazed of the photos and workmanship, and information shared on here. Wonderful forum and hope to be a part of it for a long time coming.

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