Vista versus Windows 7

Vista bad. 7? Can't say yet. My first computer was XP and when it went belly up Vista was the new one. What a piece of crap! I think if Vista was the first operating system ever, old Bill Gates would not have sold many computers and might be out shaking the bushes with the rest of us riff-raff.
I like 7 butttttttttttt that came on a new computer

I would nottttttt recommend upgrading an older computer with Vista installed up to 7 YUKKKKKKK Its just NOT the same when you try that in my opinion

John T
Hello MinnNorske,
Window7 hands down. The only problem is that is a new install.My I.T. guy said his calls when down 50% since the window7 came out. The system according to him is solid.

I'm using Vista and I get along just fine. There was a very short learning process and I made a few tweaks from the default settings to get it to perform the way I wanted it, but once I did that, it is great! I even bought a second computer and specified Vista so I wouldn't have to go through another learning process. I've never used windows 7, but I've seen it demonstrated, and the only things 7 will do that vista will not are things that I do not want or need. I will stick with vista until it is no longer supported.
While Vista might not have been the worst Windows out, it comes close.
XP was good, but is out of date. Win 7, while it has its learning curve, is a good program.
I have used both Vista and now have Win 7.

To be honest when I switched from Vista to 7 I didn't feel that I experienced much difference.

Recently however I fired up the old Vista machine which I now keep in reserve and found that indeed there was a great difference between the two O.S. Windows 7 is far superior and a lot less hassle free.

I'm currently testing Firefox 4 Beta 12 as one browser I use.

Everything new takes a bit of getting used to before one can really judge.
if you like vista, you will really like win7 better. Its vista on steroids and has fixed all the vista problems. It does however like lots of processor and memory to run better. It also will better handle older programs than vista and is easier for a rookie to maintain as a lot of "fix" programs are actually built into the system. It has programs that monitor how long it takes to boot, and how long it takes to shut down. It automatically defrags the disk. It will look for bad device drivers and try to get newer drivers to fix problems.
(quoted from post at 08:09:42 03/03/11) if you like vista, you will really like win7 better. Its vista on steroids and has fixed all the vista problems. It does however like lots of processor and memory to run better. It also will better handle older programs than vista and is easier for a rookie to maintain as a lot of "fix" programs are actually built into the system. It has programs that monitor how long it takes to boot, and how long it takes to shut down. It automatically defrags the disk. It will look for bad device drivers and try to get newer drivers to fix problems.

My computer boots up just fine, and it shuts down just fine. Why do I need to know how long it takes?

I'll stick with Vista until this computer goes south for the winter and needs to be replaced, and by then, windows 7 will be obsolete and there will be something even better. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Windows 7 no question!

Win 7 boots faster. It's also MUCH more stable than XP or Vista. System crashes were almost daily occurances when I was on XP and Vista. But in 4 months on Win 7 I've yet to experience a crash with neither my wife's nor my own notebook PC's.

As others point out Win 7 has a slightly different "look" and takes a little practice to become comfortable to use. But for me it was well worth the effort.
Believe the worst Windows disaster was Millenium. Remember that one, about 10 years ago? Crashed constantly, what a fiasco. It was only on the market a few months, and was quickly replaced- by Windows 2000, I think.
We have three PCs. One running XP, one on Vista, and one on Win 7. All three run fine, no crashes.
The XP machine is old and slow but I will not upgrade the old versions because the 64 bit Win 7 will not run some older software.
(quoted from post at 08:55:02 03/03/11) Windows 7 no question!

Win 7 boots faster. It's also MUCH more stable than XP or Vista. System crashes were almost daily occurances when I was on XP and Vista. But in 4 months on Win 7 I've yet to experience a crash with neither my wife's nor my own notebook PC's.

As others point out Win 7 has a slightly different "look" and takes a little practice to become comfortable to use. But for me it was well worth the effort.

I've been using Vista for 3 to 4 years now. I've never experienced a system crash.
(quoted from post at 12:30:44 03/03/11) Believe the worst Windows disaster was Millenium. Remember that one, about 10 years ago? Crashed constantly, what a fiasco. It was only on the market a few months, and was quickly replaced- by Windows 2000, I think.

au contraire, Remember "Bob"? LOL.

As for Vists, it's a POS and MS knew it. W7 is better but XP is still a great OS, just at end-of-life cycle.
My son has lots of experiance with computers. He told me to stay away from both options. I purchased both with different computers ( tower & laptop) they both work great for me.

One updates when it decides to do so, righ in the middle of something important ticks me off. I can never see it coming, just pops up and takes over.

The seven is a pain when it is left idle, as it has to be played with and go through the steps, rather than start where I left off.
(quoted from post at 12:15:43 03/03/11) My son has lots of experiance with computers. He told me to stay away from both options. I purchased both with different computers ( tower & laptop) they both work great for me.

One updates when it decides to do so, righ in the middle of something important ticks me off. I can never see it coming, just pops up and takes over.

The seven is a pain when it is left idle, as it has to be played with and go through the steps, rather than start where I left off.

You can change the default settings for the updates, and you can choose any time of the day or night. I've got mine set to do updates at 3:00 a.m., even when the 'puter is sleeping.
My refurbished lap-top came with Vista. I converted to W7 and guess I like it better. Crashes were not a problem for me but if I had the choice again of converting, I would not spend the money to go to W7. Living with Vista a while longer and getting a new unit would be my choice.
I have Win7 and like it just fine. In a quick scan of other replies, I didn't see anyone mention that you may find several programs will have to be upgraded ($$$) to run on Win7.
W7 is a better, more stable OS hands down. There is a compatibility program on Microsofts site that will tell you if all the components are supported on W7. If you do not get all greens, then either stay put or get a new computer with W7.

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