How do you thank em?

Case e

I have a neighbor that has cleaned my snow at least a half a dozen times. (not a small job as my lane is half a mile long) I dont mind doing it myself but most of the time he beats me to it. I think he cleans about a dozen places. He insists that he doesnt mind and it doesnt take that long. I have told him thank you several times and the wife has made him some home made goodies but does anyone have any other ideas to show how much we appreciate it?
Baked goods! Neighbor lady used to always give me a loaf of banana bread, and it was SO good!
Did you ever think that he gets a bigger blessing from doing your(and others)driveway?A big/warm smile and a "Thank you"are all the thanks he needs.8)
Some take only a Thanks! No matter what you offer they turn down. Had a neighbor like that for years. ....He was just a good man, one of few these days.
Maybe a thank you, and a gift card for dinner for him! Sounds like a good guy. Maybe he dosent want anything, just likes doing it.??? Ask him in for a cup of coffee maybe. If nothing else tell him how much of a help it was for you, and you appreciate him doing it.
He's got a weakness somewhere, you have to find it. Beer, whiskey, baked goods, fruit, tools, guns and ammo, or just lay in wait with 15 gals of fuel.

The Banana bread works on me! I love to plow snow and like to be a good neighbor. Just your thanks is enough. A little token like a loaf of bread goes a long way. He doesn't want payment or he would have solicited it before he plowed. But an occasional token loaf of bread or a couple steaks, a cup of cocoa and some cookies and a word of thanks goes a long way.
BTW any criticism, other than constructive, will get you snowed in for as long as he lives!
(You can ask the person who lives in the next house to me. Notice I did NOT use the word neighbor!)
I had a 1948 John Deere D with a 9" blade on the front and really enjoyed plowing the neighbours driveways and haystacks out. It was a slow old beast but with chains on, it took a lot to stop it. At first they all offered me something, but I assured them I just liked doing it. It gave me the opportunity to play with the old D. If the weather was quite bitter the more distant neighbours would force me to warm up with some pie and coffee. You may have a similar situation on your hands. He just likes plowing snow.
The answer is in the question ---"Thank em"
People will go far for you when they know you would do the same for him if need be.

And a guy like that that has respect for you like that, shows us what type of character you have.

Material or monetary payment is not as important as good friendship. and real friendship you can't buy.(so I was raised .)

"just lay in wait with 15 gals of fuel"

Good Idea, maybe get some of the other neighbours to go in on it and make it a good one, we all know those machines DO NOT run on fuel alone.

"BTW any criticism, other than constructive, will get you snowed in for as long as he lives!"

You got that right, a neighbour use to get me to a lot of stuff for him, but was always bad mouthing anyone else that did anything for him.
Most of the criticism was not necessary, what was done for him was not bad. also it was all free.
I didn't feel right doing anything for him so I stopped going over to his place.
We had a young couple built a house right across from us back in the 70's. They were out of the city and weren't ready for the country.

They were constantly stuck in the ditch, driveway blown shut... etc. We always helped them out for nothing more than a thanks. He really wanted to pay many times, and it was sure tough on me when I was a teenager to not take the money, he had out offering me, but dad raised us to be good neighbors.

Dad passed away 4 years ago and mom still lives there, I couldn't wish for better neighbors. They keep an eye on the place, they get the mail for mom when the weather's bad. Sometime's, they'll just walk across the road and visit.

I don't know if it's because of us helping them out, back in the day, but I wouldn't trade them for a box of gold today.

Just keep thanking the snow plower, keep offering payment even though he won't take it, and help him out when the time comes.
I like the ideal of leaving them fuel for their tractor, it lets them help other people because you help them back.
I have the same with my BIL. He came over yesterday with his 4WD JD with a loader and cleaned our driveway. It was too much for my TO 30 and back blade. I help him haul wood in the spring/fall. We'll get him a gift card for dinner too. We did invite him in for warm (nuked) cherry pie ala mode. We'd be lost without him. Not much he can't fix.

For me just a thank you is fine. I do the same thing for our neighbors where I work. We have the big toys and they don't. At home (smaller toys) I have a neighbor who does my drive 60% of the time. I hit his when I get up early and have to get out and do a run up his drive to make sure he can get out.
Neighbors helping neighbors is what it's all about, we need more of this today.

Just a thank you has always been enough for me. I"ve never taken a thing for helping someone. I"m a believer in the "Pass the help on." philosophy. I just tell them that the time will come when they will have an opportunity to help someone else-maybe even me. So- just pass the help on.

If you feel that more is nescessary, at the end of the snow season send them a thank you card with a gift card for a local reataurant in an amount that will cover dinner for two.
Just thank them and make a geniune effort to help them out when they need it as everyone could use a hand now and then.You'll be the exception for them most likely as most people that offer to give some help in return for another's help usually are 'too busy' when its needed.
Just keep making him goodies. that way he don't feel obligated to you and he might be more willing to ask you for help when he needs it.
I grew up in this neighborhood and that is what neighbors do. As the younger generation takes over, this kind of people are a rare breed. My neighbor always expect everyone to do for them or praise them, but they do not know the term "thank you." I still mow the grass, till the garden, move the snow, whatever is needed. We even gave them the ground they live on and paid for about half on their house. It is my wife's parents. She feels the same as me but I still could not just turn my back on them. (Yet!)

Now, another person that lives down the road has stomped on about everybody around. Always lying about people to others and being hateful. Most around here have labeled him "just the guy that lives down the road." Sad but true.
have done the same thing for years blowing out neighbors etc, I have to blow county road open anyway for couple ,miles at least so better half lady can get to work on her rural mail route. been challenge last couple days. I just say if make you feel better make me a fruit pie
Don't know what the answer is. I do the same thing for five of my neighbors. Some say thanks, some bake cookies and pies, some give cash ,and some give gift cards. I don't ask for anything, but it always shows up at the door.
As one of those on the side of keeping the neighbors driveway clean, I asked for nothing. I was over joyed when they gave me a gift card to a nice resturant and told me to take my wife to dinner. How the saying go " A happy wife makes a happy life".
I have been on both ends of this spectrum at times. I think what you have is a true impasse. You genuinely want to do something concrete to thank him and he generally doesn't feel he needs anything more than a thankyou.

What I have found works well in this situation is a typed note that simply says "Thanks." Stick that in an envelope without a return address on it and whatever else you want to put in there: cash, gift certificate, gas card etc. Then put his address on it and drop it in the mailbox at the post office.

If he helps out as many people as you say he does then he will not know from whom this has come and will have no choice but to keep it.
Some people do good things for ....well.... just because. Not for money not for gifts but just because. If it's been done that many times then it must be fun for him. If ya want it to stop then I'm guessing pay him. Then it's not fun anymore.
He's probably one of the special people in this world who like to help others. Keep the home made goodies going his way. The most important thing you can do is to be there to help him if he is in a dire situation. Doesn't matter what his hardship is, you can be there for him, even if it's just a reasuring smile. If he turns you down at least he knows you took the time to make the offer. Send him a card. Maybe you already do. Jim
Neighbor has done mine twice. Doesn't really need it I can get in and out with truck. He likes playing with his tractor. I gave him a length of venison sausage and he was happy as coul be. He's just agood neighbor.
I plow the neighbors out alot too and all I want is just a simple thank you. In case a steer gets out on their property or I do something they may not like they will be a little more understanding. I buy one neighbor a gift card or give him a little beef from the freezer for caring for my animals when I'm gone. Especially when its cold and I go to Florida like I do for a few weeks every winter. I leave him the key to the loader tractor with the snow blower too. He enjoys using it. He likes the heated cab.
If he does it with a tractor and blade (which I'm assuming he does because you said it was a half mile long) he probably really just enjoys doing it. I know I love plowing the lane and drive at our farm, and usually knock our neighbors out too. Years ago when I was a little younger, our house (in a little city subdivision) was right across the street from an older lady who lived there alone. I'd always snowblow her driveway, and she'd always thank me with the best pumpkin pies I've ever had in my life. That always kept me happy. I'd say you're doing good now with the "Thank yous" and the wifes goodies. Perhaps some gas would be a nice gesture as well. I'd say you're on the right track though, sounds as if he knows you appreciate it.
I live on a dead end road witch the state gets to some times and sometimes they don't. I plow the road and about 7 or 8 drive ways, don't want any thing to do it. Some neighbors have given me money for fuel, Addative for fuel. and some a thank you. Most are old people some have dissablitys, and all on limited income "SS". I haven't been called and cused out yet, Had that to happen last summer for mowing a field for someone. They told me to keep my tractor off their land so they don't get their drive way plowed.
well depends on what he likes,cookies are good,apple pie? steaks,home made stuff is always the best some good beer,or a good bottle of booze,or a helping hand sometime when you see then doin something gotta be something
I clean the neighbors drive just because the tractor is already running and ready to go. I don't want anything in return. He has said thanks many times.

Maybe you could wander over to see if he ever needs help with something. Many times I could use an extra hand lifting something, moving, etc.

Just a thought.
If he likes to eat out get him a gift card. I clean my neighbor's sidewalk every time it snows. His wife is a school teacher and he works the second shift and they don't have any equipment. Last week when I was putting the tractor away he came over with a Craftsman 12 volt tool kit. It has a light, drill and a saw.
It has the name Nextec on the tools. I found it on the Internet and it's on sale for $149.00. Hal
Last year one of my older neighbors asked me to clear her drive. I already had the blade on the tractor so I took about 15 minutes, cleared her drive, refused any $ and was home before my wife missed me. Everything was fine until the neighbor came by the barn (I wasn't home at the time) and brought me a case of beer.

When I got home, my wife was raising holy h-ll because I was off clearing the neighbors drive instead of working on her never ending "honey do" list.

I guess it's true, no good deed goes unpunished. Anyway, I enjoyed the beer, maybe your neighbor would too.
What a nice thread. Reinforces my belief in the inate goodness of the human spirit. The neighbor once sent my dad a note for a similar act of generosity. She said in addition to thank you..."don't think that I don't notice and appreciate your help. I hope I can return it one day." Dad kept that card for years after she died. Maybe she did return the favor.
We try to keep a hog and a half a steer in the freezer at all times and I have found that any time a person says they don't want any thing for do'n a "thank you" type job they will not throw a roll of sausage or package of good steak back at me.

I keep a neighbor who helps me in vegetables and a big ham around Christmas time.I do tractor repair for another.

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