Close Call!

Neighbor lady had a very close call yesterday. She was pushing a round bale with the grille on a ford 600 and the tractor rode up on the bale and flipped over. She was pinned under the tractor when my wife and I arrived after her son called for help. We were able to lift the tractor off her and slide her out from under it. Gas was leaking from the tank but never ignited. She was air- evac to St. Louis hospital but was released last night and only suffered two cracked ribs. Very Lucky.
God had his arms around her! A few years ago a friend was feeding and had bale lifted up and it fel off backwards an pinned him to the tractor seat. Broke his nose bruised him up but he lived.

Henry H.
I am a God fearing man, but I do not buy in to the "God had his arms around her" theory.
If that is the case, do we think "God turned his head" when my neighbor flipped over in a creek on a tractor and was killed?
He loves ALL of us equally, so my guess is it was an accident and timing and placement are the difference between living and dying.
My wife's uncle was killed when a large round bale and the loader end came back over and crushed him on the tractor seat. he had picked up the loader tines but did not put the pins in. he carried the bale too high in the air and when he went over some rough ground on his way to the feeder he bounced the tines and bale out of their receptacle and the whole works tumbled back over and down on him. He had done this hundreds of times without securing the loader with the pins,seemed like a time saver and when done could set the loader tines away to use the tractor for something else..quick attach is great but safety has to come first. They did get him to the hospital but he died a short time later
"We were able to lift the tractor off her and slide her out from under it".

That must have taken some adrenalin!

Once when I was a dumb 16 year old kid, I managed to knock a car off of a jack and onto me. The weight of the car wasn't on me, but the rear axle was across my neck with my head on one side and the rest of me on the other. I naturally yelled like he11. My mother and sister came running, grabbed hold of the fender, and lifted the car enough so I could crawl out.

They tried it later, and couldn't lift it over an inch or two. That was a lesson that has stuck with me for the 60 years since. Whenever I crawl under a vehicle, it dang sure isn't coming down.
God is with all of us all the time, "He sees when a sparrow falls from the sky." but even though Romans 8:28 tells us all things work out for the best, we don't know his plan, so it is often difficult for us to understand let alone accept.
I still can't beleive how many people don't have a back stop on there forks to keep the bale from falling backwards.
It don't take much to make and I know we all think "IT CANN"T HAPPEN TO ME",as the song goes.
i agree, God can never be "blamed" for allowing an accident. Ecl. 9:11 tells us that bad things are going to happen in this world to good people. After all, if we could wish or pray our way out of every problem we wouldn't want to go to heaven because all our problems would already be solved.
And I thought you were going to say that when ever you crawl under a car you have your mom and sis there. lol
I could not agree more. We are not to understand everything or know everything. That is part of why we need strong faith. The stronger our true faith in Him, the less we are concerned with understanding "why" or trying to make up reasons for things that happen.
The "messengers" that claim to have an inside track on things are not of God.
If we took the money out of it, I wonder how many would still feel that strong "calling" that they claim to have. Why do they need to ask for money, do they not also believe that God will always provide their needs? Apparently they do not believe what they preach.
A few years ago a guy north of her but in our Fire Dept. area of coverage was doing this. Tractor climbed the bale turning over killing him. PEOPLE, buy a unroller or at least mount a tire and spindle on the front of the tractor to do this. DO NOT use any of the four wheel of the tractor for this.

Another case of not doing things the correct way. That is what they make loaders for and 3 point bale spikes but again I also know how it is poor people do things they way they need to to get it done. Hope she has learned that it might be better to wrap a chain or something around a bale and pull it instead of trying to push it. I know it is pretty easy to ride right up on a round bales and could not see doing it that way
When our barn was on fire 55 years ago I picked up one of the two-way plows that went on the MH Pony and ran out of the barn with it, then went back and got the other one. Ordinarily I straddled one to get it an inch off the ground to mount it on the tractor. I was twenty.
serveral years ago during drougght time , i was movn round bales ,, loader tractr was at the other place and i would use dc case to nudge the bales off the car trailer,,still not sure how igot in a predictament ,, but somehow lodged a bale against exhaust manifold when it flipped and diconnected fuel filter allowing gas to run on the bale, quickly shut off gas , dc had not been runnin long ,, but was still warm enuf the hay smoldered against the exhaust while i moved the trailer ,,and starter cranked the dc away from the bales ,parked that bale away from others near the pond ,, goofy stuff like to happen ...
I'm just always amazed at the number of folks who seem to grab the bale so that it CAN roll down the arms and hit the operator. We have 2 spikes, one bucket mount and the other you gotta swap the bucket & spear. Whenever we handle rounds, we spear them in the middle and they're not going anywhere. Also don't carry them with the arms up until where we need to be with the bale.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Praise God always ,. I have Booker T Washingtons book,,. The wonderful black man that started Tuskegee University in Alabama ... inventor of Peanut butter and pioneer in plastics ,, but most of all Someone who improved Life everywhere he went ,.. on inspiration and laziness of others He wrote this (oh LOrd ,,these Rows is So Long ,And so Weedy ,An So Many , And Thesun is So Hot ,, That I feels I HAVE BEEN CALLED TO PREACH,,. or maybe itwas george washington CArver ?
Family in the neighborhood has rolled 5 bales off the loader bucket.The last broke the old mans neck.The 3 other boys all just missed being killed or injured.the loader still doesnt have a backstop(THE 'forks' are just a couple of grader blades bolted to the front of the bucket).Ever see a tractor thats had 5 round bales dumped on its hood?NOT pretty!
They are "poor" and will stay "poor" on account of "thinking poor".
They will never see or make an opportunity to get ahead and make things better. They are happy being a victim or they would change.
Rain falls on the just and the unjust if I quoted it correctly. Hard to understand sometimes. Have to accept. Dave
My tractor has a gas cap that wont leak if the tractor is overturned.Got it free from a Ford tractor dealer 24 years ago.

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