Calendar (Legal Q)

Not trained in legal matters, but was of the opinion if you take material that has been copyrighted and use it to make money then it could be considered illegal unless you were given written permission from the owner of material. If using copyright material for personal use or not to make profit from then nothing illegal happened.
No, no. I was thinking of getting a bunch of cute girls together and taking my own photos for the calendar. Just mostly wondered of CaseIH or Deere or any manufacturer would have a problem with their logo in the pictures.
we { my wife and I ] make the CASE TRACTOR Calendar .. we get pictures from people like your self that gives us permission to print ...
We stay away from copyrights ... or pictures out of a mag. or book ..

why have the girls in the pic? be unique and forget the trashy wimmen and make a TRACTOR calender insteid of some "pin up"
I guessis that he wouldn't have to wory about copywrites that way.take the picture and ask the wimmens if it was OK.CASE CLOSED
Don't sweat the copywright issues....dem wimmens will end up being your downfall on this one! Stick with the machinery , you will be thankful you did.
Any one can make them ,I assume, with their own material but when you plagiarize then you run into trouble.

[using other peoples' material as your own]
That's what I was looking for. So just because the tractor has the manufacturer's logo on it, that doesn't mean I can't photo it and sell it?

Saw yours, looked very nice, very professional.
LOL I'll bet the Trashy Women calender outsells the tractor calenders 10 to 1.Also all H Farmalls feel pretty much the same but every trashy woman feels different.

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