Keeping Birds out of shed


Well-known Member
Any good ways to keep birds out of buildings? It is impossible to keep doors shut all the time, and they seem to watch as soon as the door is open in they go. Mainly sparrows and barn swallows. Neighbors used to use a rod in the corners up high that had some sort of liquid that they put one once in a while that seemrd to work, but he can't remember what it was. Any ideas would be appreciated. Harold
(quoted from post at 21:14:01 05/04/10) Any good ways to keep birds out of buildings? It is impossible to keep doors shut all the time, and they seem to watch as soon as the door is open in they go. Mainly sparrows and barn swallows. Neighbors used to use a rod in the corners up high that had some sort of liquid that they put one once in a while that seemrd to work, but he can't remember what it was. Any ideas would be appreciated. Harold

Most all of the barns here have a nest boxon one end for owls and a shelf on the other end for a little falcon that is common here. Not a lot to worry about with birds.

Years ago in a farm magazine, a farmer had a wooden ladder going up to the rafters in his barn. He had a cat food feeder up in the rafters, i think he put some cats up in the rafters by the feeder and they learned to go up and down the wooden ladder to get to their food. Once up there they usually hung out up in the rafters and that kept the birds away. I believe he used 2x4's the length of the barn connecting the rafters, giving cats access to the whole roof. He said he never had bird problems. One other thing i have heard but never tried, is to put small dishes of anti freeze up on the rafters, the birds drink it and die, but dont try the cat in the rafters and the anti freeze or you won't have the cat anymore. :)
Monofilament fishing line. Run several strands the length of the shed between the rafters will work. The birds do not see it and hit it. This frightens them and they stay away. Works good.
I keep one tractor in an open sided shed. It used to be a problem with birds setting on it. Daughter told me a trick that I tried and it works.
Hang some old CDRoms or DVDs on strings around the place. They move in the breeze and the birds can't stand the flashing of light from them. Works for me!
(quoted from post at 02:02:42 05/05/10) I keep one tractor in an open sided shed. It used to be a problem with birds setting on it. Daughter told me a trick that I tried and it works.
Hang some old CDRoms or DVDs on strings around the place. They move in the breeze and the birds can't stand the flashing of light from them. Works for me!

They hung a bunch along a road that was real bad for deer and hogs to get ran over and someone went through and stole them all.

Hang some plastic snakes. Birds were destroying my peaches until I hung some plastic snakes in the trees. Ended the problem. Plastic owls don't work.
In my barn I've got pie tins hung on strings my grandpa put up 30 years ago, like the cd thing below, never had any birds since.
Brother said he saw buzzards fly out the machine shed. Checked it out and found two eggs on the bare ground. Hope this keeps the ground hogs out due to the oder. Don't know much about buzzards other that they keep the same roost tree. More later on the hatching. Beside the LONG empty finishing hog house.

What size of tin pie pan would this take?
No answers here, but the rod in the corner was probably called RID-O-BIRD. The poision was absorbed through their feet, but I kinda think it was outlawed because the dead birds would carry the poision to what ever ate the dead bird.
Thanks for the answers. I'll try some and see what happens. Some one else said take some old TV antenna wire strip some off both wires and hook it up to a electric fencer, one ground and one hot. Any one tried that? or will the humane society be on me? Herald

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