Flooding Pictures In Northern Barren Area Of Ky.

As was mentioned in an earlier post , we are having 3-6 inches of rain here in Kentucky . It is supposed to slack off tonight, with only a 40% chance in our area tommorrow. Talked to sister today and she said that her husbands aunt heard on the scanner that in a community about 20 miles from us that they were calling in the National Guard because of a dam that could burst anytime on a county or city lake . The town has a small lake just out of town where there is a concrete spillway and about 5 miles on father down the road there is a fairly good sized county lake . We weren't sure as to which one the dam was on . I took my camera and drove around the area and here is some pictures in our area of the flooding . Since it was raining ,I couldn't get out of the car, so I turned off the windshield wipers so that they wouldn't be in the way , but the rain covered the windows pretty quick . I had to back up and turn around plenty of times as I wasn't brave enough to try to cross the water like some people where. There were county road depts. trucks set up on each side of the flooded areas. In fact, the pictures of the flooded area with the dump truck in it is practically in front of my sisters house. The water was tearing down fences there . In some places all that you could see was fence post tops stuck out of the water. This is about the worst flooding in our area that I've ever seen . Hope that you enjoy the pictures.















It's Dunham Lake on the Little Barren River. It breached at 3:04 PM. There's a sewage treatment pond of appreciable size just below the dam breach that's also adding to the mess. It's quit here in Bowling Green, but radar indicates we'll get another round late tonight.

Wow! What a mess! I had customers in Glasgow and travelled thru that area many times. Sure hope it doesn't get any worse.
Hey guys I am in Allen County. We have gotten slammed here too. Here is a pic of Trammel Creek about 5 miles south of Scottsville on US31E
Sometimes its a fine line between "brave" and "stupid". We lose folks here about every time we have a big flood, from trying to go through water too deep, and being swept away.

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