OT...carpenter bees


ordered [2] carpenter bee traps from a firm in AL. the ad shows traps made of solid wood stock when recieved they were made of cheap ,very thin plywood...have been up for [2] weeks with hundreds of bees flying about ...have cought [2]bees & [1] wasp....contacted by E-mail they said I could send them back but shipping will cost another $15 bucks...already sent them $50 for the traps...guess I'll just trash them ...what a ripoff....thanks for letting me vent ....Kent
in a small pump sprayer mix full strength maithilon 4 to 1 spray bees while they fly by you wont kill them imeditly but they will die soon ive sprayed many without being stung
Wife and I bought some acerage last spring, to build our retirement home in the country. Fixing up the old barn on the property, standing on second step of step ladder with both hands in the air working the fixture. Carpenter bee flys across the barn and hits me in the face, startles me, I loose my balance and fall on the concrete floor hitting my head.

Brain hemorage, loose all feeling right side of my body, everything numb. Brain surgery, $90,0000 later after opening the entire left side of my head to remove the clot, I now have regained all feeling except the right side of my face and and my torso. Other wise, i'm 100% ok, very lucky guy!

KILL THE CARPENTER BEE'S! :) You just can't make this stuff up, life is stranger than fiction!
You're right. Actually all they want is something softer for wood. For instance here they prefer tulip poplar to oaks/hickories/black locust. Give them something softer and they'll leave the harder wood alone.

Doesn't mean I want to give them anything to nest in, prefer to reduce the population. Wood peckers help, love the larvae.

Nothing local called iron wood. To me, it's a desert tree native to Arizona where T_Bone lives. Beautiful grain/color, if hard on tooling.
You got lucky. Better to have your feet on the ground when you practice your swing.

Remember the Boy Scout motto...

I kill a lot of them with a fly swatter, sometimes mid-flight. A racquet's better, but you use what you have handy. Your face isn't a good tool. You figured that out.
Spray some Malathion in the holes and fill them with caulk.Takes a while, but it works.
Latex caulk isn't good, silicone caulk is. 100% effective, no malathion needed.

This is for the ones you missed with your racquet.
Had a red Heeler that would catch them it his mouth and spit them out dead. Used to kill every opossum that came in the yard, too. Couldn't keep him out of the road and he got hit though. Damn, I miss that dog.
i have had several people ask me about this very subject in the few last days, guess i am just a bullshutter, cause i am just a truck driver, anyhow i ask around an what i found out is, the best way to get rid of them is to spray with the insectaside, then fill the holes with paintable silicone an then paint infested area with a latex paint. i was told they would not dig through the paint. their burrows go into the wood an then go along the wood, up to a foot i was told.
this is just what i had fought out.
When Im sitting on my porch having a smoke and I see one,Ill wait for him to go in his hole,then Ill stick the cigarette butt in the whole.

Works for me,,LOL
they're called boreing bees, carpenter bees are small like sweat bees,...get a bag of cotton balls soak with a few drops of gas and insert into the hole at night,
Kid's bought me an "electric" fly swatter for christmas. Runs on batteries, looks like tennis racket, but beside swating the little beast it Zap's them. Works well. Available at Harbor Freight.

thanks for all the ideas ...my tractor shed is white pine & the bees have put so many holes in the 2X4 & 2X6 that I may have to double up some of them ...too many holes to fill in high places & too many bees to try and swat them plus don't have the time to play with them...what makes me mad is this trap is supposed to take care of this & the guy evan has a clip on U-Tube...the 50 I'm out is called stupid tax....take care ....Kent
A 22 revolver with a six inch barrel and shot shells, along with a good supply of wood bees make for an entertaining afternoon. The #12 shot are death to bees but won't harm metal roofs, and have very little range, so are pretty safe to shoot.

Take a one gallon ice cream style bucket add 1 inch of water sweetened with sugar, corn syrup etc. Hang it from rafter. Bee will go into bucket for sweetwater but cannot fly out therefore drowns. Carpenter bees cannot take off without flying forward a little bit. They hit side of bucket then fall in repeatedly till drowned. I built a leanto onto polebarn in 2005. Bees begin to drill as soon as I finished. This method has killed at least 50 of em for me. I used 4 buckets for a 50' shed.
I accidentally discovered that the fly spray that I use on my cattle will kill them. It's called Insectrine, I think. I stick the sprayer nozzle in the hole and pump 'til it runs out somewhere. You can hear all kind of grumbling inside the hole. It also takes them right out of the air. They might fly 20 feet, but all the while losing altitude 'til they crash. Come back tomorrow and he's still laying there dead as a doorknob.

I have one of those from Harbour Frieght.

I've tried it on boreing bees but it will not kill them. I've gone back to a flyswatter until I find a badmitton racket.

That wasp and hornet spray that shoots 20 feet or so will do it, strange tho they all fly straight up in the air and out of sight when hit. My BB gun is fun but i probably average 1 hit bee for every 200 shots.
This is a great topic we have a convertible picnic table that they seem to attack every year. The Good Lord must have taught them math skills because all the holes I can stick a 3/8" bolt in them perfectly. They've already started this spring so I'm going to do the RTV plugs and spray the whole thing with illegal Malathion and set it out in back for awhile to avoid the smell. According to things I've read about them the male doesn't have a stinger but the female does and is very aggressive sounds famaliar.
Electro-Motive Degreaser (CRC) is so deadley on those that a single 5 second spray into their hole will just kill them instantly. (none will make it out! Jim
Mothball into each hole works real good. I take a stick, hollow out the end, a little, so that the mothball will sit in there easier, then poke the mothball into the hole, if its up high. Ain't no bee worth fallin off'n a ladder for!

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