I can't believe this happened to me

37 chief

Well-known Member
I picked up my 96 Dodge 2500 today. I'm sailing down the freeway, and had a rear tire blow out. I knew a couple rear tires needed replacing, which I was going to do when I got home. I didn't mind the blow out so bad, because I was going to replace the tires. What was a real kick in the butt is it ruined the plastic fender. I found a used fender for 300.00 so my 2,800.00 dodge is now up to 3,100.00 Just another day in the neighborhood. Stan
Kind of reminds me of the time I took a coffee can full of loose change to the bank to run it thru the change counter. They came back with $135. I thought that was pretty good for just a bunch of loose change. I got in my truck and started for home a one of the rear tires blew out. I stopped and put on the spare and drove back into town for a new tire which cost me $135. Never even made it home with the money.

This reminds of the time I had a blowout with no spare. Damage was done. Drove the pickup home about 15 or 20 miles. Polished up the rim and reused it.
That would have been the answer. I think it was because they were tearing the road up. Anyway, the tire picked up a pretty good sized piece of sharp, jagged metal. Couldn't tell what it came from. Yeah, I should have stayed home that day. I'd still have a coffee can full of change.
I"ve always been concerned about those plastic flairs, I have a 97 F-150 sportside and have always worried about blowouts ever since my old boss had a flair or sport side 1990 chevy short bed brand new ran over something in the road and shredded the tire and literally exploded the whole fender it was a couple weeks before they could get it in the shop so to rub salt in the wound he got stopped by the OSP for no mudflap fortunately he was an aux cop and was let go so he fabricated a makeshift mudflap until it was fixed man did that look goofy? He sure caught a lot of hassle over it and he was real picky. :->
It's not just the plastic.

A couple of years ago, I fixed a Chevy one ton pickup with single rear wheels that had the left rear tire blow out while pulling a fifth wheel camper.

You wouldn't believe how it tore up the steel side of the box.

And let's don't start an argument about which pickup has the best steel in the body. They all would have looked the same.
At least it wasn't a front one. I was drivin along, singing a song, when... Whakkatta whakkatta whakkatta, BANG. Right front decapped, took with it all plastic within reach, inner fender, front bumper trim, plastic piece between fender and bumper, marked up the door, and rocker panel, and a aftermarket step made out of aluminum disappeared! YEP, you guessed it, it were a firestone!
Funny part is, that I rode on the casing for about 5 miles, it still held air, and there was still a plug visible, in the casing!
Oh yea ,gets your attention real fast. I had 4 real good lookinmg tires from and old van that had been sitting, 10 ply . Was pulling loaded trailer 70 mph , rear blowout ,,,tire warpped around axle, took brake lines, box braces ,you name it anything it could , dented inside and outside of box, bed , 5th wheel wiring . Took forever to get tire off axle . 2 weeks later other side went , same deal. The other 2 tires were used for target practice .
Several years ago, in mid-July, I pulled my 5th wheel RV into a truck stop and added air to the tires. Unknowingly, I wiggled the HD valve stem on the rt rear tire and cracked it. About a hundred miles up the road I glanced in my mirror and saw rubber pealing off the rt front tire. The rt rear had gone down and shredded the tire. The front tire overheated from the excessive load and started slinging rubber. It did about $1200 in damages to the trailer. Now, I change valve stems about every two years.
Stan, one time years back I'm riding with a buddy in his one ton dually Chevy and he goes to take off at an intersection, the 454 winds up, and we went nowhere. Clutch seemed fine, but went nowhere. I get out and look under it as he eases the clutch out, drive shaft spins, tires don't motivate so we call a tow truck. Tow truck comes, lifts the front end, we all climb in with my buddy in the middle and me at the passenger door. All was going good, we're headed down the road and round a curve as I just happened to look out the door mirror and see a set of duals literally move out from under the fender as a pair. Just as I start to shout "Whoa, whoa, whoa" the axle came out of the axle tube and guess what kind of damage that did to the fender and stuff when it bobbled up as that side of the truck hit the ground, and guess what kind of damage that did? It all started with a differential bearing that had come apart after seeing better days, no warning until I looked out the mirror. Very expensive bearing.

Stuff happens and sometimes it aint pretty. On those kind of bad hair days, its a good idea to just go get a haircut and shave.

The fronts are good low years. I have a couple good 16 in tires low years I
am going to use. one rear is questionable as age,.I am going to get by, with buying one or two tires. I will still have around 3300.00 if I spend 300 for the fender. I am fairyh handy with fiber glass I am going to remove the fendre tomorrow and see if I can save it. stan
This actually happened in another country I believe it was Mexico. Someone was sitting over the rear tires on a bus one, one, or both tires seperated. It sucked the person right through the hole made by the tire flapping. Now that is a bad day. stan
I got real lucky a few years back. '98 Chevy dually, recently had tires replaced at a tire shop and I guess they didn't get the lugs tight on the right rear...Was running 65 down the highway, heard a thunk and the right rear dropped down onto the brake drumn. Checked the mirrors just as the outside dual passed me on the right side and the inside dual crusied on by on the left. Got stopped and put it in 4x4 and pulled a hundered yards or so up to a paved turnoff and went back and found the wheels. Neither tire had so much as touched the fiberglass dually fender! All but two or three of the wheel studs were broken off. Luckily wasnt any traffic coming! Had my two youg kids in with me and to this day they still point out the nice groove the brakedrum left in the asphalt when that happened! Hauled it home and replaced the studs/lugnuts and everything was fine. Oh, checked all the other lugnuts too!
Back after WW11, my Dad worked with a man who had quit smoking, and saved what he figured he would have spent. After years, he had enough to build him a little house out of mostly used materials he had picked up here and there, and bought the rest. They came in from the field one day, and the house had burned down. The man asked my Dad to take him to the store for a carton of cigarettes. True story.
I'm convinced there's a little guy up there just watching over your shoulder all the time. Get a few dollars ahead and he zaps ya.

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