Bad Mommy what to do


Well-known Member
Well had the kid born last night as some know but the nanny goat is not letting them nurse well if at all. Kicks at them when they try to get some milk. How do you fix this type of problem short of milking her and bottle feeding them.
My uncle had a goat like that once Had to corner it every time kids want to nurse Feed them three squars a day at times But he"s make sure they had there breakfast an supper
Good chance she has mastitis, and nursing is painful with all the swelling. Might need some penicillin for the swelling, and a little dose, maybe 5cc of oxytocin to help milk letdown. Needs some calming- had an ornery sow like that and took three bottles of beer out to her. Better half says why three beers? I said I"ll give one to the sow, and one for me....and the third goes to whomever needs it most! Surprized that the sow took the bottle and did not break it in her teeth. Did calm her down and she let the pigs nurse- she was trying to bite them. And yes, she did not get the third one.

First of all do you have any nanny's that have any kids, or may be lost one or two. If so I would try and craft the two new ones over to them if you can, or bottle feed them, This will funny
but I had an old horse that did that and we put cow kicker on her so she could not kick and it worked. How ever cow kickers are to big for your goat, maybe you could hold one leg up and
let the little guy feed.But it sounds to like you and nanny and this the first for her. Thats all I
have to say.GOOD LUCK:
By the way MR.OLD, how easy is it to put power stearing on my WD-45. MANY THANKS
stand her up along a wood or wire panel and tire her up to the panel. put one quater inch rope around her flank and another right behind her front legs and tie her upright tight,leave her tied like this with feed and water and the lamb can have his way with her. do not let her down until she accepts the lamb. it might take 2 or 3 days but guarnteed she will take it.
stand her up along a wood or wire panel and tire her up to the panel. put one quater inch rope around her flank and another right behind her front legs and tie her upright tight,leave her tied like this with feed and water and the lamb can have his way with her. do not let her down until she accepts the lamb. it might take 2 or 3 days but guarnteed she will take it.
Not all that hard to install if you can find one and then afford to buy it once you find one. Last one I saw the guy wanted around $800 for the complete power steering set up
Had a cow calve last saturday morning that claimed another cows calf in stead of her own. Put the calf and cow together in the cattle pens,and poured loud smelling perfume on the cows nose and muzzle, also poured some down the calfs back and left them alone. Went back a few minutes and the cow was claiming her calf and he was nursing her. This has worked for me numerous times , might even work for goats.

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