We had a kid running in the hall outside my classroom about an hour and a half ago, during one of the lunches. He slipped and bounced his head off the polished concrete floor. When I went to lunch, the EMTs were strapping him to a backboard, but the school nurse said he is OK. He was conscious and talking. We tell them repeatedly not to run in the halls, and to stay in their designated area, but it just goes in one ear and out the other. It still scared the heck out of us. We had a kid killed earlier in the year leaving school. Everybody was shook up over that, so this incident rattled everyone.
(quoted from post at 15:27:49 02/18/10) so it out to take about a week and then his lawyers will show up
Yep......If there weren't any slick floor signs or no running etc. He'll prolly be able to retire before he even finishes school............
Of course, they will claim it's the schools fault; we didn't watch him close enough. No one's responsible for his/her actions anymore.
The floor is not very slick, unless it's wet. The fact that he was running in violation of the rules, in an off limits area at that moment, probably has no bearing, at least in some peoples eyes. Threaten the school board with a lawsuit and they turn to
Kinda similar, but different. This morning in Omaha, a 14 year old missed his bus, then decided to walk 5 miles to school. When he got there he had frostbite, they sent him to the hospital! School is saying the bus driver waited the prescribed amount of time at his house, no response, went on his way. I am sure a lawsuit is coming in this one as well. I did not think it was that cold this morning, but I suppose he did not dress for it either-no personal responsibility! Greg
About 25 years ago, when I was Building and Grounds Supervisor for a local public school district, a high school girl was waiting in the lobby of the high school for her boyfriend to pick her up. When her boyfriend didn't show up when she thought he should, she got mad and punched the glass out of one of the plate glass doors in the lobby.

She cut her hand some, just lucky it was cold enough she was wearing a long sleeved coat.

The school billed her for replacing the glass, and she paid it. That was just before all the PC foolishness started.
You would expect more sense from a 14 year old, I am impressed he took the initiative to walk to school, but jeez dress for the weather, talk about self inflicted...
I can remember running into the classroom and tripping on a desk leg, quite fortunately catching myself with the corner of my eye on another desk. Seven stitches later I was good to go. However that was in first grade is my excuse AND I didn't miss any days of work because of it! lol
Years ago, I had a junior high kid coming up for a Saturday morning basketball workout ride his bicycle through the glass entry door to the dressing room area. He came out of it without a scratch. He said he didn't know he was going so fast.
Of course the school is responsible for him getting his donkey moving!! mule whatever, didn't accept a$$.So if you say someone killed someone with the jawbone of an a,, that's not acceptable.
when I rode the schoolbus many moons ago,we stopped to pick up Dave, 14 yr old redhead. He gave a big "show off" leap for the door, caught his big clumsy foot on the step & fell onto the steps & slithered down to the ground. Determined now, he jumped again & caught his foot on the door & fell to the pavement. Gave another mighty leap & caught his feet on the door AND the step & hit the ground again. The 4th time he got on like a gentleman, bloodier but wiser.
About 40 years ago my older sister broke a school door glass by accident, we all chipped in and helped her pay for it so the principal would not call our parents.

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