Outdoor wood stove Natures Comfort 175


Well-known Member
Good review on 2/12 on out door stoves, but noone seemed have this one. Relative just had one installed and not working out. Not sure, but may have it taken out? My guess is that the owner may not understand the operation. Requires water to be added during the day. Have not seen the stove. Wondering if it can be lower than the house? What about the wood mix wet to dry ratio? SE Iowa location.
Why does he have to add water? On mine i had to to but that was cause i ihad the thermostat on the stove set to high and it boiled the water out and steamed it out, now that it set correct i havent added water for a month, been workin great, but mine is a centarl boiler. Good luck, Bob
Should not have to add water. I have not added water to mine since 2005. It is set at 160-180 on the thermostat, meaning the draft kicks on when water is 160 degrees or less, and kicks off once water temp is at 180. Never boils water out, and house is always warm.
If you're having to add water daily, it has a severe leak someplace. Either the stove itself, or in the lines leading to the house.
It depends on what kind of a stove. If it is a closed loop system then you don't have to add water. If it's an open loop, like mine , you have to add water once a week or so. Mine has a fill valve next to the door and I just open it up while I'm adding wood, it usually only takes a couple of gallons or less to top it off. I've seen a lot of complaints about the amount of smoke. Mine has no more smoke than any wood burning stove and most of the time it's hardly noticeable. This is the first winter for mine but so far I really like it.
I bought a bull from a guy who had an outdoor boiler and a slab construction house. The air handler is in the attic of his house, making the boiler "downhill" from the "A" coil. He said that the installer had to bleed a lot of air from the attic mounted "A" coil, and every time the power went off for more than a few minutes, he had to climb up in the attic and bleed it again. I suggested that he add a tee fitting in the attic at the "A" coil and run a line from the tee down into a closet and put a valve there. Maybe it would eliminate having to climb up in the attic. He was excited about the idea, and was gonna try it, but I haven't ever run across him to ask him how it worked.

Also, once he gets the system full of water, he probably won't add a gallon a year. If I ever have to add water in mine, it's cause I failed to maintain it properly. Mine has a little flap in the back that will get a small amount of creosote on it and it will leak air into the fire, allowing it to overheat. I bump the flap about once a week to clean it, but sometimes I forget. . . Happened two or three times in 12 years.

On the wood - once you get a fire established, you can burn green wood with sap running out of it. Makes more smoke with green wood. I loaded a bunch of ice covered wood in mine this morning.

I hope they get the problem figured out.
somethings not right.. like someone else said, once you get a bed of coals it will burn about anything but politicians, they have to much air in them!

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