We set a record...Burrrrrrrr!!!


Well-known Member
I just saw on the news where Edmonton set a record for cold. It was -46C without the windchill. I think Winterpeg(Winnipeg)went to -55C. I didn't have anything that pressing to do, so I stayed inside. Dave
I'll bet you know who would have his thermostat turned up to about 27°C if he was up there.


How do you folks manage to keep yourselves thawed and functioning.Let alone manage livestock???

We had -5C last night and -2 at the moment. I just went ice fishing and got the goldfish out of the rain barrels :roll: and put them in a tank in the house til spring.

Canada is a big place, here at my farm in Ont. on the north shore of Lake Ontario , the temp. is 34F and raining light;y . Anyone Who lives in the great lakes basin knows all to well the moderating affects these large bodies of water have on there wheather, both good and bad.
Not yet. Coldest night here Winnipeg this year is -28C which is -19F. It's -26C this AM. Hard to believe some guys were finishing harvest 2 weeks ago.
What's the forecast for Monday night for you guys...

They are telling us to expect -21º F (-30º C) here, then warming into the 20's on Wednesday.
That's very cold as -46C=-51F and -55C=-67F. We ran cold starts on military vehicles at -65F & at -50F. Even with all that arctic clothing it was very cold. Hal
A quick check with Environment Canada records will show that an actual temperature of -55 C has never been recorded in Winnipeg in mid December, or any other month for that matter. The coldest I can find in Manitoba was -49.4 at Norway House (in January). This is not to say that somebody's grandmother's third cousin never read -55 on their thermometer. But according to Environment Canada it has never happened in Winnipeg. How many people own a thermometer capable of measuring -55 C ? In Virden, Manitoba it was -34 C (air temp) one day last week, wind chill of -46 C. Still plenty cold for the second week of Dec. It was 75 F in my house.
Isn't it wonderful how Nobel can reward people who are so stupid or have done NOTHING and the news media fauns all over them????????? I just get sick. Jeffcat
And that’s why “Lord Gore” calls it Global (earth if you like) Warming, which is a gradual increase in global mean temperature over extended time – as opposed to an temporary Arctic cold front blowing through Edmonton/Winterpeg, eh.
The -55C in Winnipeg was predicted with the windchill. The -46 in Edmonton was accurate and on Friday it's supposed to get up to -3C. They say in Alberta if you don't like the weather, just wait 24 hours. It's pretty crazy sometimes. Dave
If it were to get up to -3 C here everybody would be out and about. It will happen...but maybs not for a few months.
How do you guys keep the pipes from busting up there? Down here in NC we may get into the single digits every other year for an overnight but so far we have only hit mid 20s for overnight lows this winter. When it hits the single digits overnight there is a slew of people with water trouble.

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