
read this in morning news: "Sports apparel maker Adidas plans to end its contract with American suppliers and move production to a factory in Thailand. The move could cost about 100 jobs at a factory in upstate New York that makes more than half the uniforms worn by Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and other NBA players." in these economic times you'd think companies would be trying to stay here. e-mail them and tell them what you think.
[email protected]
We just had a refinery in Del. shutdown. Plant has been there since the mid 50s. Last mo. another refinery shutdown in N.J. Remember just a couple of yrs ago, they said we did'nt have enough refining capacity? These are global corporations, They are not going to put up with more and more government intrusions/Taxes. They will just pull up stakes and move to another country where the costs/harrassment does'nt exist. We will soon be importing our gasoline along with our clothes. Adidas pulling out? They are another in a LOOOOOONG line of companies leaving this ONCE great country. And "These economic times" you talk about, Why do you think these companies are leaving. They see whats coming.
soooo...the gangsta's and rap stars will be wearing foreign made clothes...sorry about the workers losing their jobs here but that company dont mean nuthin to me.
Buck Knives moved from California to another state, because of state government regulations. This will continue to happen, but Adidas the move is a complete loss of jobs to the US. Just waite until cap, and trade is implemented. We will see more companies leaving, and when global warming is in full force all we will hear is sucking sound from the vacuum created by companies leaving. We ain't seen nothing yet folks. stan
While I don't like an American company moving overseas, there are a couple of things to remember.
1.Last I heard Adidas is a German-owned company.
2.Charles Schumer is just trying to get a little attention. Had this been a gun manufacturer from New York, he'd be paying their ticket out of there.
not to this company in particular, but to all companies contimplation a move overseas, DON'T YOU REALIZE THAT YOU ARE PUTTING OUT OF WORK THE VERY PEOPLE THAT YOU ARE ASKING TO BUY YOUR PRODUCT?????????????
Stan, I picked up a Buck knife the other day in Wal-Mart. I'm pretty sure it was made somewhere besides USA.

I might be mistaken - I was looking for USA made knife and remember being disappointed. Didn't come home with anything.

I try to buy as much American made items as possible. But look at the steel industry and tire manufactures. When the govt. imposes a tariff to stop the markets from being flooded, the big American companies immediately raise the prices and gouge us Americans. If they leave the US, they shouldn't be allowed to sell products here.
(quoted from post at 15:03:47 11/24/09) Stan, I picked up a Buck knife the other day in Wal-Mart. I'm pretty sure it was made somewhere besides USA.

I might be mistaken - I was looking for USA made knife and remember being disappointed. Didn't come home with anything.

Buck Knives had moved their production overseas but have since brought it back to the USA. they are making knives here in Idaho now.
when the demmocrats crank up the taxes next year to pay for their drunken spending binge this year, manufacturers will be bailing out of this country as fast as possible.

And all you people shopping at Wal China Mart aren't helping anything either.
About 3 years ago, I bought a Buck knife at WalMart after flying into a distant city. Could not carry knife on the plane. That Buck was made in China. Good knife, I since lost it and now have Uncle Henry, now made in China.
I've always liked Nike better than Adidias, as does Micheal Jordan's son down in Florida. Don't know what the Illini/Bradley/Bears/Cubs wear without checking.

At least you have got me thinking - bought a Lazyboy living room set couple of weeks ago. Yep, made in the USA and Michigan to boot.
(At least thats what the tags said)

I have no problem with a company moving out of the US. Let them. BUT, to sell stuff in US make sure all health, safety, enviromental concerns and rates are the same as here in the US. Penalize the product according to how many are not followed, this would level the playing field and bring work back here. When a company doesn't have to be concerned about pollution, or worker safety you can make stuff cheaper. Europe has did this for years. We are a young country making foolish mistakes, being preyed upon by old countries. These countries didn't get where they are by being nice and playing fair.
Hey guys, i belive that some one posted about a buck knife fiasco at Walmart. Its here somewhere. They explained they were forced to manufacture a cheap line for walmart. They still do sell usa made knives, just cost more...

STOP BUYING AT WALMART you do have other options!!

Anyone try to find USA made pipe fittings?? You have to look long and hard. Now I try to pick up pipe fittings at yard sales and fles markets whether I need them or not. Eventually I WILL need them.
There are no companies leaving the US due to taxes . They may tell you that but it all comes down to labor costs.
Untill Americans are willing to work for $2.00 per hour and agree to have our air and water polluted jobs will continue to be exported. Industry has only one loyalty, and that is to their stockholders,there is no patriotism,no such thing as having ethics, and mostly no such thing as a commitment to the employee.
A CEO's job is to return the highest profit possible to the shareholders, and any one of them that does not do whatever is neccesary to make those returns is derelict in his duties and needs to be fired. This is a global economy and no amount of crying is going to change that.
China is just beginning to see the results of unrestrained capitalism in the pollution, Chinese workers are just beginning to demand higher wages and better conditions. Thirty years from now industry will move again as China will become to expensive, I'm guessing Africa will be the next area to be explioted and raped by industry.

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