Even more truck fire follow up

Mike (WA)

Well-known Member
Well, the Mrs. called the insurance adjuster and left a message- just got a recall from Ford, fire hazard, yada, yada. Determined to get that new truck!

Adjuster called this AM- They're going to send a forensic fire guy out to see what caused the fire- but not until Thursday. So we have to leave it where it is, blocking the road to the barn (at the only spot you can't get around), until he has a look. Then I suppose Ford will have to have a look as well. The d@amn thing could be there 'til spring. . .

I asked her whether this was going to do anything for us- "Well, no- you'll still get the value of the truck, but now, maybe the insurance company will get reimbursed by Ford." Great- I'm thrilled for you. Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out how to get my tractor from the shop to the barn. . . Go through the neighbors, I guess.

After 39 years, I've pretty much given up on my wife ever listening to my advice. But hope springs eternal. . .
I know your post says "follow up" but I don't know where the first one is. I'm just wondering if your recall "fire hazard" from Ford is for the pressure-switch in the brake master cylinder?

I took my 94 F250 to a Ford dealer this past summer asking for that switch and they refused to give me one (or put on in). They said my truck did not qualify. And today? Just got a letter from Ford saying my truck is on their recall list. So, I called Ford up and couldn't get a good explantion why I was refused this past summer - but they're eager to fix it now.

I've had that switch unhooked for two years anyway. Doesn't do anything except send a signal to the cruise-control which never gets used.
Had a recall on my wife Crown Vic , took to the ford dealer ,all they did was unhook the cruise, year half later called said they had the replacement, she asked how long to fix , about 30min. 3 half hours later every person in the dealership had tried to sell her a car, she told everyone in that dealership what lousy service she had got even the owner got a ear full ,she told them quit lying to people, if it going to take 3hr ,say that , people have to sch their live to get somethings done , this had really screwed her sch. up, he gave here a free oil change, she asked how long , 30min.she looked at him said I heard that before, no thank you
Yes, that's basically the situation- '95 Ford diesel, and they just expanded the scope of the recall.

Original post was that the truck caught fire in the middle of the night, while parked in the driveway, and was completely destroyed. Wife had had a collision a couple weeks before, with some front-end damage, but still driveable- I thought maybe it was the block heater, which we had been using for about a week before the fire. Several on here told of the recall, and lo and behold, we got a recall notice a couple days later, which had been sent out by Ford on the same day as the truck burned.

Now the insurance company is sending out a forensic fire guy. Won't help us any, but maybe insurance co. can get reimbursed by Ford. Fire was so hot and complete I doubt they'll be able to come up with anything.
Sitting here looking at the recall notice for the girlfriend's 2002 exploder. Says the issue is the switch possibly leaking brake fluid. I have seen a couple folks on these threads saying that they or their shop disconnected the wires until they replaced or had no intention to replace.

Would seem to me that the switch would leak regardless of wether or not it was wired up. My assumption would be that the fire issue is from the brake fluid leaking onto a hot exhaust manifold rather than an electrical fire. So I could be wrong, but disconnecting the switch really wouldn't stop the fire hazzard. Just a random thought. Jeff
I'm thinking the fire results from electrical condition in the switch itself- because ours had been sitting in 40 degree weather for 7 hours since last operated, so couldn't have ignited from hot manifold, etc.
That switch is normally closed and has power on it full time.When the brake is applied the switch opens and removes power from the cruise control so it drops out.It looks like a brake lite switch.

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