New addition is home...


Well-known Member
As if we needed another............ :roll: Seems like a real good girl and should make some pretty babies. Smart, cool, curious, and doesn't seem to have a mean bone in her body. We'll see how things go when I start her.


Just be careful where you stick the key......LOL I love that coloration, she's a pretty horse. I wish I had the time and money to get a couple of horses myself. For now I've got to settle for a couple of 4 wheelers, I can work on them myself and they don't eat that much...
I must be tired. At first I though it was Holstein. Good luck milking that.
That is a nice looking horse.
(quoted from post at 05:20:49 11/15/09) I must be tired. At first I though it was Holstein. Good luck milking that.
That is a nice looking horse.

You may have helped me with coming up with a new name. I refuse to use the one ( Paris) the previous owners gave her.

(quoted from post at 12:36:12 11/15/09) What on earth have they been feeding her :shock:. She is beautiful, but talk about stocky.
She's a big girl............. I'm guessing alfalfa. She turns up her nose at the meadow hay I offer her. Gave her a little alfalfa hay and she gobbled it up. That's not gonna happen though. Give her a couple days and a peanut butter samich'll look good.

I'm surprised you didn't get that black and white one in Ohio I sent you ~~~LOL or was it gone before you opened the add?

You have a fine looker there though.
(quoted from post at 15:59:02 11/15/09) I'm surprised you didn't get that black and white one in Ohio I sent you ~~~LOL or was it gone before you opened the add?

You have a fine looker there though.
Not the breeding we wanted and this one was already bought at that time.
I like my MO Mares (we bought 3 from Missouri) this one is from KS but close enough. Completely different attitudes than what you find here.

(quoted from post at 01:41:55 11/16/09) Have language classes started yet.?

Not quite, but I just had to know what to look forward to. She hasn't been handled other than petting and grooming. Pretty proud of her, she handled the gear like a champ. Just have to wait a few months until I can put my fat a$$ on her back. By that time, it'll be just another step (I hope).


There is a drawback to the shiney chrome (white). Rain and mud..........Sure be glad when winter's over...


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