Makin hay today!


Well-known Member
I cant believe this weather, and my luck! I cut VERY late 1st cut hay on Monday, Eastern New York, clouldy on Tuesday, and Wedensday, sunny and windy today.
Well I go out today rake the hay and start baleing it. The sky was so dark and cloudy at 5:30, and the wind was blowing like hell, that no dew fell,, I was out there with the lights on finishing up baleing at 6:30. I felt like a NFL kicker trying to get the bales in the wagon, I had the thrower tilted all the way to the left and the wind would blow the bales against the right side of the wagon rack. Needless to say I missed about 6 bales. October 22 and doing hay. What a hoot. Now if only the Yankees WIN. JayinNNY
I saw a farmer near our place with the horses, baling up some 3rd cut hay grasses, he cut it monday I think, temps have cooled off so it was after a frost, but there was a window of dry weather this week, yesterday was warm, looked like it was cut tedded, and raked, then left to dry, I was curios to see how it dried, was going to stop the car and check it out, my luck the farmer would have caught me or something, what kind of wacko have we here LOL, random hay checker LOL, but I was really wondering how it dried for him, looked like he just made it.
Still can't figure how you could do first cutting in late October- even with rain all summer, the grass should have gone to seed and died down. With all the rain, you'd have some regrowth, but still should be a mess of dead grass in there. What's this stuff looking like?
Well,,,,,,just like you said! Like I say better than snowballs lol. Its ok, but not horse hay.., the cows are picking threw it. The new growth is green, but all the seed heads went to seed. Hummmmm,, will this late cutting help reseed my field. J

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