Tractor accidents!!!


These are just the ones im my area this summer,upstsate western New York.Been a rough year.Tractor and farm-machinery accidents in the region this year include:

•Daniel Coyle, 51, of Wheatland died on March 28 when he apparently left his parked tractor in gear and it ran over him, causing a severe head injury.

•Jeremy Thomas, 74, of Gorham, Ontario County, was seriously injured on July 15 when his tractor went into a ditch, landing on top of his legs.

•William Squire, 62, on West Bloomfield, Ontario County, died of multiple injuries on Aug. 7 when he was mowing a field and his tractor slipped into a creek, flipped and landed on top of him.

•Charles Brown 63, was killed on Aug. 26 at a farm in Lodi, Seneca County, when he was using farm equipment to move bales of hay. The cab of the machine was missing a safety screen, and his head protruded out the window and was crushed between the cab and the lift arm of the loader.

•James Meisenzahl, 55, died on Sept 2 in South Bristol, Ontario County, when, while doing landscaping, his equipment overturned several times on a hill. He was not wearing a seatbelt and fractured his skull and neck when he hit the protective cage surrounding the driver's seat.

•Daniel Smith, 38, was killed on Sept. 2 in Cameron, Steuben County, when the tree that he was dragging with a tractor got caught on some trees, causing the tractor to flip over
I live in Kentucky and get a Kentucky newspaper that also reports news in surrounding states. Sunday's paper had an article on farm deaths in Indiana. It stated that there's already been 4 more than all of last year, with 3 months yet to go. The saddest part was the number of children killed. Just about all of them would be preventable with just the most basic of common sense saftey rules being followed

Only one of the accident victims SJ lists was under 50 years old, he was 38. We old duffers need to make note of this. I hope to "hang it up" before many would.
Got an email yesterday that one of my wife's high school classmates was killed in a tractor accident on an acreage by Cloverdale, Indiana.

He was 69.

"FOOTNOTE: The less often we do something, the more careful we need to be when we do it."

I think it is the other way around. People get complacent on doing the same job over and over again and get careless.
i would hate to think about the number of people i have know that have killed in farm accidents.
my dad was a lucky one he had his arm broke in corn picker accident could have been a lot worse.
he got the pant leg of bib overalls wrapped around pto shaft. his arm snapped as he was unsnapping the suspenders.
he later said the bib was pulled up tight under his chain and choking him.
That ROPS can safe your life, as long as you are wearing the seat belt.......Those old tractors are scary when they dont have the ROPS.
That ROPS can safe your life, as long as you are wearing the seat belt.......Those old tractors are scary when they dont have the ROPS.
Dead is dead. God bless their souls Each and every one of them was loved and is missed by someone.
Taking shortcuts and becoming complacent does it. Rumor has it the guy in Lodi was on a bobcat with the safety cage removed. Guy in Waterloo did that also a few years ago. Convenience is not worth losing your head over!
Hi; You for got the fellow this spring near Dansville,NY Area,who stopped to help a Cow having a Calf,and went back to use the tractor the Next Morning,and CROSSED the Started While Standing on the Ground ,Had left it in Gear The Afternoon Before and was run over.As I rember he was about 62,I heard they found the Tractor in a Headge row or Woods still running. There allso was a fellow about 2 Weeks ago it Trumansburg,NY, who was Moving Brush with a loader and a limb Hit Him in the Chest,he allso Died.
About 20-25 years ago A hired man did it in near Sheds,NY /Didnt have the Cage on it Tryed to Look around the loader While Using His Foot to Lift the Loader.On our Farm the Rule is SAFTY FIRST !!!
Fortunate we don't know anyone killed on farming acidents. Did have a close friend jumper start his tractor this spring, took off and ran over him. Broke all ribs and pelvis and chewed up one leg. Pretty bad shape but is covering. Probably lost some use in one leg. Probably a year to recover.

I've removed the neutral starter switch jumper that someone put on my tractor after that.

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