the end at last! a couple of pics


Farmington IL
Today, July 2nd I finished planting.

Unbelievable, you could never have convinced me that would ever happened before it acctually happened. This is the slowest spring planting season in my life and could well be the latest date of finishing planting my generation will ever see. Finished most of our own beans last wednesday but today I finished a little 15 acre patch we usually plant to corn and ear pick but planted to beans now and I planted 25 acres for a neighbor and it was still way to wet and was nearly stuck a couple times. Several guys have finishing up the last couple of day and some continue to plant. No idea what to expect from here on with this weather. Crop prices are dropping like a rock and we have no idea if we will even have anything to sell.
I think these three picks from wednesday pretty well sum the whole spring up. My friend and neighbor, bill, who happens to be travisM's dad, called and needed a little help.

He was just a few minutes away from finishing planting.


Unfortunately the camera batteries went dead because before we got done we had wallered the planter tractor and planter deep into the mud, had it jackknifed and made lots of holes with the MX tractor trying to get it out. We pulled forwards and backwards and forwards again. Eventually after about half and hour of hooking and re hooking it came out and I think we all were suprised!


My favorite picture, bill and I just standing there. I dont even remember if we were saying anything or just standing there staring at it, wondered what the heck we were going to do. The whole darn spring has been that way. NOTHING has went right. Everything has been a fight and every decisions has had huge repercussions it seemed. We will all talk about the spring of "09" for years and it will never be forgotten.
Feel your pain.Here in the northeast it has rained about 25 days out of the last 30.hay fields are starting to look like wheat fields.

Looking close, one of you have a hooded sweatshirt on, seems strange for July weather, we have had a couple of nights with 48 for temps. Western PA

Don c
Bet you are getting tired of pulling dad out, what is that like 4 or 5 times this spring. He said it didn"t look all that bad until he got in it.
High temp yesterday of 61 here in southern Michigan. Sweatshirt felt fine. So much for algore and global warming.
That is just the third time and I would pull him out of the mud every day if he needed me too because I know he would do the same for me. It didnt look bad at all when we started but after a while the 7230 and planter drawbars were out of sight in the mud, the planter tires just kept going deeper and it was looking a little discouraging. At one point the discussion did turn to going to get the crawler but luckily it didnt come to that.

Cool here--25 miles SW of Grand Rapids Michigan. Nothing growing in the garden except weeds and rabits. We won't have any broccoli this year--rabbits got it after I fenced them out of the beans. Milo food plot is stalled. Corn plot is the only bright spot--should see tassles any day.

Larry in Michigan
Since April 1st we have recieved 2 and 4/10ths inches of rain, hay is at an all time low, lakes and rivers are dryng up, sure wish you guys would send us some, would be less hassle for all of us.
OOOOOOOOPPPPPPPSSSSS! Guess I should have waited a day - definitely hasn't been a vacation!
At least we get to see a couple of guys outstanding in their field. Glad you got it done.
So I'm to assume there's a couple days of sun headed east?
We've got about 2 days left to go... but planting here will be limited to some very late barley that should come off as high moisture sometime before the snow falls.
Was going to be silage corn but with breakdonws and rain the past 10 days, that's a wash...

I bet you had seed in those tanks. Those center-fill planters are as good as an anchor when full. Got the MX255 and JD 24 row planter stuck 6 times this spring. Granted, that"s up by Fargo in the clayey sticky nasty mud that never dries out, but still.

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