Second Time Around

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
Figured I better be fer gettin' across that summer fallow again before starting in on the hay, 'cause if I don't it's gonna get away from me.

Tried the field cultivator this morning, but it was just too darned wet; just balled up.

Noticed the neighbor was using his disc and getting along just fine, so I went and hooked up to mine.

Going as shallow as possible and still get a good kill, but that derned thing is really tuggin' back there in that loose dirt.

Sure seems to be doing a nice job tho.


I hate it when I run the field cultivator and it either won't sink into the ground, or it just balls up. A field disc is your best friend.

Nice pic.
Seen my neighbor useing what is called a Springer.
To run his ground. Yet ground is wet and it seems
to be doing a good job.
Hey, Allan and Will-enlighten me-how does a field cultivator ball up? Here- a disc is used to cut sod after plowing with a moldboard plow on sod ground. Secondary tillage is usually done with a field cultivator, very seldom with a disc. Here- if any secondary tillage machine balled up- it would be too wet to work the ground, and it would turn into a brick.
My outfit is set up with 9" sweeps on 6" centers. It's gotta be pretty darned dry to scour.

Otherwise, ya look back and yer draggin' a pile of dirt/straw 4' deep and 20' wide. :>)

When I was kid back in the 70s living in ND, my neighbor used a cirflex (not sure if correct spelling) for summer fallow. Basically it looks somewhat like a plow but had one angled gang of disc instead of mold boards. I was always impressed with how well it turned over the soil and killed weeds. It was much more effective than the disc we were using. The thing is you don't see many of them around anymore. Perhaps because of the ridges they left in the field. But not sure. Alls I remember is that I was out doing summer fallow again after several weeks looking at my neighbors field that was still weed-free. Hmmm!

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