Work on my birthday

Yesterday got up at 3:30 am went to ADM, dumped a load of corn, went to Dunkerton and got a load of corn, 60 miles one way back to Cedar Rapids, 60 miles back to Fairbank to get DDG's, hauled back to Jesup, dumped it, came home, took wheels and back brakes and drums off, went to get parts, put back together, tightened wheels. Fixed a water leak by the barn, filled in the holes. Cleaned up, took my wife out for Mexican.
Got up this morning, checked the radar, rain coming so made my birthday breakfast (bacon/eggs), went and loaded corn for an early start on Monday.
Came home and worked in the shop - put clutch and pressure plate back on the F-20, motor still stuck, can use the rear wheel and shake it now.
Went to the other shed, took the valve cover off the 1945 A, 2 exhaust valves stuck open, had to take the tower and valve spring off, got the valve freed up, put back together. During that I had the battery charger on the Super M pulling tractor. All that by 12:30, in the house and cleaned up so we can go out for my birthday tonight to the HuHut!! I'm 54, need to take it a little easier!!
Hey Heavy Hauler. I got a lot of ralatives around Dunkerton. My Grandpa use to own the old stone round house at Raymond.
Hey Heavy Hauler,

Happy Birpday, Mine also, I just hit 41, or the twentieth anniversary of my twentyfirst.

Hope you have a good one.
its been said that 50 is the old age of youth and 60 is the youth of old age. i will be 62 this month and plan on placing my old truck in a local parade, hopefully my 83 year old mom will ride with me. anyway, i do not plan on such a busy day as yours. happy birthday!
its been said that 50 is the old age of youth and 60 is the youth of old age. i will be 62 this month and plan on placing my old truck in a local parade, hopefully my 83 year old mom will ride with me. anyway, i do not plan on such a busy day as yours. happy birthday!
You will never take it easier, so don't lie to yourself, at least not about that.

Happy Birthday. Hope had fun.

All I'm saying Joe, is that you're the only one that would pick up on a man being "lonesome" in an ordinary post like this one.

Most cultures would consider that a pick-up-line.

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