O/T What are some of your favorite aromas?

Lodgepole Pine in Western Montana. I also like the smell of fog by the ocean, and freshly turned soil near my hometown. Fresh-cut cedar is nice, as is the scent of a cedar campfire. Also like the scent of parsley, used to have a small patch of parsely that was invading my lawn, and when I mowed it, I'd get a big hit of parsely scent. And lilacs, since they remind me of my grandmother, who had a huge lilac bush right outside her house. That lilac must have been 30 ft across and about 20 ft high.
Nothing wrong with the FINE scent of a woman who knows how to use perfume, a case where MORE is not always better!

(SORRY, I just HAD to toss that into the mix!)
Along with all those already mentioned, yesterday"s fresh cut alfalfa and the exhaust air from a corn drier.
Cow poop, if the cattle prices are high. If they are low then it smells like shi*.

I always sniff fresh picked morel mushrooms, that is a smell like no other.

Red cedar.

Diesel smoke

Corn silage

When I go down to feed my wifes Belgian horse, I always give his neck a sniff.

Also, I love going into a leather store or saddle shop, the smell of leather!

Diesel smoke as it hangs in the windless air in the harvest time. Burned of course by a Massey 510 (or 550) combine. Not all diesels smell the same, oddly enough.
fresh turned ground,
newly mowed grass.
manure spread on the field an a cool crisp morning.
Fresh cutting of sweet clover.woulfd have to be # 1
flapjacks and bacon cooking.
BBQ grills in action.
And the air before and after a rain.
There have been some very good aromas already listed, and I agree with all of them. The only thing missing is the smell of a good bar/saloon.

Fresh hay, turned earth, grilling steaks, campfire, bacon, and don't let me forget hot women...
Robert Duvall: "Do you smell that? It's napalm, son. Nothing else on the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning".

It's been a couple of years now but the sweat smell of success
The smell of coffee brewing, apple pie baking, also the sharp tang of Diesel fumes on a cold winter's morning.
Camphor smell from Western Cedars on a cool evening after a hot day. The squeezed sap bump on a Grand Fir. I would dab it behind my ear. Although my x-wife didn't much care for the smell.
Cedar wood decking, Mom's home cooking, Diesel fuel burning in my Deere......I could finally afford a diesel JD. Walking into a lumber store, a newly framed house. Great perfume on a hot babe.
Hoppes #9 bore cleaner, barn loft just filled with alfalfa bales, bread baking, Black powder muzzle loading rifle being fired, bay rum after shave, nitro methane at the drag races.

The nearest thing to Heaven...is a gorgeous woman with the perfect perfume for her chemistry....absolutely makes me spell-bound...I think I levitate on the scent!

Lilac in bloom.

Diesel? That"s just sick, man...sick!!!!!! I breathed more than my share of those disgusting fumes for 27 years as a railroad engineer. It honestly turns my stomach.
Until the last 3 weeks, I USED to like the smell of rain on the wind. Kinda worn that'n out lately.

Fresh turned dirt with a HINT of diesel fumes.

Bread baking

A GOOD pizza

Fresh mown grass

My wife

Young lady who works at the post office! (Anyone need a few thousand stamps?)
Violets beside a gurggling trout stream,lily of the valley, fresh mowed hay, turned earth, bait shops when worms,and crawlers came in Hills Brothers Coffee cans not plastic carton or vending machines, just fired shotshell hulls, lilacs, warm barns at milking time, any cookies or bread baking, a puppy's breath, and so many more.

Larry in Michigan
A freshly opend can of coffee, new mown hay, pine trees on a hot summer day, the air after a thunderstorm, cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven on a winter's day, a steak on the grill, breakfast bacon frying in a cow camp, cherry pie baking, a new saddle, ..........
My warmed up Farmall H sitting on the creosoted oak bridge at the end of the lane on a hot July afternoon. A crisp February morning with the faint tinge of mating skunk on the breeze. Puppies.
Fresh cut alfalfa and red clover, cow manure, my wife, spent shot shells,babies, smoked bacon, fresh cinnamin rolls, pine, freshly plowed alfalfa in heavy black soil, wild plum trees blosseming.. God gives me so many I cant choose my favorites, this list would go on forever. Man, I just thought how miserable I would be if I lost sight, sound, and smell senses.
to add to all the good answers, wifes apple pie, wifes cinammaon rolls, wife :), rosemary fresh from plant, inside of hive of honey bees on hot day, ......... Mark
Lost my sense of smell in a motorcycle crash in 1996 but I can still remember the sweet smell of turbo blue racing fuel. The Wife can be baking sticky buns or something & if I don't see them I never know their there. Real pain in the butt sometimes.
Fresh plowed ground in the fall after dark. Plowed many an acre like this. Fresh mowed hay, and burning nitro at the drag strip
My top aromas:
1) Corn Silage
2) Fresh cut alfalfa
3) Dairy farm aroma (yes I said it!) :)
4) Sweet smell of a lightly burning clutch
5) A day at the NASCAR speedway
6) My bride awaiting for me after a long day
My neighbor lady used a bath product from Dillards that I think she said was called Spa Basics. What a wonderful scent. It smelled just like she had stepped out of a shower and was squeaky clean which can conjure up all sorts of images.

Baking bread is my other favorite scent.
Lilacs and apple blossems, new mowed hay, fresh baked bread, bacon frying, coffee dripping, cigar shop, and the shoe repair shop. rw
Our farm yard when it just starts to rain after a dry, hot spell.
Apple blossom. Typical for apple blossom is that I can never remember how it smells when I'm away from it, but when I smell it again in the spring: ahhhhh!
Very good question, Nancy!
Freshly turned ground, money, diesel exhaust, good hay, shotgun shells, good food and the best a hot girl.
Junk yard the smell of grease and oil
real leather
fresh cut hay
home made bread
the smell of a good cigarette on a cold crisp morning ( and I don't smoke)my Dad smoked Lucky Strikes I think thats where that one came from
coffee brewing
laundry dried outside on the cloths line
Diesel smoke from a hard working tractor
Pies cooking
Homemade bread
Steaks on the grill. Chris
can't believe anyone likes the smell of diesel exhuast....after 30yrs.on the back of a diesel tractor it just stinks....now the smell of a LP tractor thats what smells good...fresh turned rice field
Myself. When I can smell me, I know everyone else can smell me. Its almost commanding. I show up somewhere and there won't even be anyone around and I'll hear, sniff sniff sniff followed by "Ooo wee, go home Mark, we'll just deliver it". Its great, I never have to haul nothin home.

Naw, actually fresh cut grass or beans, blooming lilacs after a rain, puppy breath, and dinner. Love the smell of dinner unless its spinach and liver, and when I get spinach and liver for dinner I know that I'm in the super doghouse and will be met with the thundering loudness of silence until I figure out what it was that I did that will have me sleepin on the couch again until I do.

99% of what's been listed and walking up to an old Ponderosa pine & smelling the bark: it smells like vanilla. Opening a bottle/ imitation vanilla extract might be the next best thing.
Fresh milled cedar , fresh lilac blooms , smoke from burning oak , autumn,s fallen leaves in the sun , my first girl friend , exhaust from high octane race fuel (SSssWWeeeT), fresh plowing , silage. Them tuna and deisel fuel people need to be looked at! Ranks right up there with paper mills and sugarbeet factories.
REAL slow roasted BBQ, especially pork.

Fresh cut alfalfa.

The first rain after a long drought.

Dirt track stock car racing, the mix of dirt, rubber, and high octane fuel along with the hot dogs and popcorn at the food stand.

The OLD high sulfur diesel smoke under FULL load, it did stink under light loads, but had a unique odor when it was all being burnt with no excess left.



I hate them, but musk thistle blooms actually smell sweet.
Wow you folks know how to hurt a guy who has been professionally diagnosed with 0 and I do mean zero percent smell. What I would give to smell just something no matter how rank would surprise you. So the next time you take a moment to realize that you are actually smelling something give thanks. I only have memories of what things had for smell and because I have no smell I also have very little taste. The idea of going out to a fancy dinner is kinda of a waste of time and money for me as virtually everything tastes the same to me. Not complaining, just stating a true fact. Migraine
With respect to Joni Mitchell and her song Big Yellow Taxi, one line sums it all up: You don't know what you've got till it's gone.

You are an example.

My Mom died at 64 of a massive heart attack, my dad died of cancer the same year.

You DON"T know what you've got till it's gone.

Coal smoke, laquer thinner, and a little weird, the combination of smells around a house fire (retired firefighter)if it was an old house with no synthetics and all the fire engines were gas, not diesel.
Apple blossoms every May, we have a bunch of apple trees throughout the hill on one side of what is a small valley, the whole area is saturated with it, but does not last too long maybe 1 week +, but then the lilacs and other things that bloom till June, basically spring does it for me I guess.

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