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Show your support for our troops by send your genereous donation to Waterboard Sean Hannity Sean ever the patriot, agreed on the air while interviewing VP Cheney to be waterboarded for charity with all proceeds going to our troops and their families. Please support this event. Send your donation to Fox News New York, New York. All proceeds will go to help our troops and their families.
Are you kidding, I've been keeping up with this story and while he said it, I don't believe for a minute that Sean Hannity will ever allow himself to be waterboarded. He is a big phony
Speaking from experience tom? You sure seem to have an unhealthy fascination with the klan. Maybe you should take a remedial course...

Front row seats, see you in Iowa next March.
I don't think that idiot has a clue what waterboarding really is.

Listened to a LONG interview on the radio this week with an expert - waterboarding has been a torture method employed by several of our enemies including China. On our side, we had a program (SERE) for high-risk targets (i.e. our flyboys) in which they were exposed to these techniques so it wouldn't be such a shock when/if it happened to them.

Note that the Chinese used waterboarding and other techniques to pull false confessions from our servicemen.

The Bush administration and the CIA used experts from the SERE program to fashion their interrogation policies post 9/11. How much of the information pulled from prisinors went into justifying the Iraq war? Remember, waterboarding is known for producing false information.

Yes, I heard the same interview. Interesting.

It is a fact that you can get information out of someone by torturing them. But not necessarily good information. I recall the story of an English pilot who was captured by the Germans. During his internment, a German pilot would visit him almost every day. Over a period of several weeks the Englishman gave up a great deal of accurate and valuable information, without realizing it. He thought he was talking to one of his peers, not thinking that every word he said was going straight into the ears of the Luftwaffe.

When I was younger, there was a local fellow who had worked in military intelligence during the war. Whenever the local police or sheriff wanted to interrogate someone, they'd call him in. In a few minutes, the suspects would usually spill everything they knew. No heavy-handed tactics, he just [i:654c4848f0]talked[/i:654c4848f0] to them.
At least it is more support than your president who favors letting the troops pay for their own military related injuries. "after all WHEN THEY ENLISTED THEY KNEW WE WERE IN A WAR"

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