OT To our Canadian friends


Well-known Member
I know a lot of Canadians are regulars on here and I want you to know all (I hope) of us on here from south of the US/Can border are appalled at the attitude toward Canada displayed by a certain Secretary in Washington. We hope the situation gets fixed soon.
Well, I guess most Canadians are aware of what was said and I think they feel that the person saying it was misinformed. For those who don't know Janet Napolitano made a statement that the 9-11 Terrorist came through Canada and that our border security left a lot to be desired. In fact the 9-11 terrorist entered the USA on International Commercial flights and were given vistitors visa by the US government.
Of course it riles Canadians to have that kind of accusation from someone who is in charge of border secutity. What I find riotous about it is that she is in charge of security and she hasn't a clue..another one of President external_link's mistakes.
We'll get over it, and the external_link administration has already met with Canadian officials to smooth out the issues. One of our politicians was quoted"We think Janet Napolitano is seriously ill-informed about the border". Larry Summers, one of external_link's top economic advisers met with Canadian officials.
Thank you for noticing this as often issues like this never get reported back to the US. Canada remains the nunber one ally of the USA, the number one trading partner and number one friend!
What's the attitude? Misinformed. Didn't the one that American border guards catch with a trunk full of explosives come through Canada?
I second what M. Soldan said. But I wonder how much congenialty we would be met with if the situation were reversed? Canadians tend to take more BS than we give.
I wonder if Janet Napolitano's boss is going to give her "a blast of wrath" for being stupid and ignorant? Maybe even an apology?
Or will it be the classic diplomatic shuffle?

Wasn't it Forest Gump who said "stupid is as stupid does"? Stupidity does seem to be rather contagious, and to quote another celebrity, Ron White, "you can't fix stupid".
<a href="http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/jameslloydhowell/?action=view¤t=Willrogers.jpg" target="_blank">
Willrogers.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
</a> Will Rogers once said <big>[b:654c4848f0]"If Stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out?"[/b:654c4848f0]</big>
I was kind of hoping Canada would just buy us out, think of all the great tractors (and hunting) we would have easy access to without those darn border concerns.
Proud to be a Canadain plus a North American and welcomed throughout the world in our many travels. Yes some of our Politicians just don't get it. That would be one Sad Wall from ocean to ocean between the USA and Canada.
I don't know about other parts of the US-CAN border but here I think it would take more than some politician mouthing off to change our friendship with Canada. Especially when the news media gets through with it.
Remember this? I wouldn't hold my breath for an apology or retraction. Ms. Napolitano stood by this report and so did the president.

"WASHINGTON, DC - Department of Homeland Security officials have issued a report which links people with pro-life, anti-illegal immigration views, teachers of end-time prophecies, and veterans of war with "right-wing extremist" groups."
Well .... I judge Canadians like I do anyone else - Some I like .... some I don't. As far as what some politician or bureaucrat thinks about Canada ... Yeah, RIGHT! :roll: I think the folks on this site pretty much all share the same values and concerns; I CAN think of a few exceptions but that has nothing to do with what country they're in .... more of what planet they're from! [b:4ec562dded]LONG LIVE[/b:4ec562dded] Canada .... the U.S. .... Britain ..... Ireland ..... Scotland .... Poland ..... Australia - and every other country that is ready and willing to stand up for our/their past, present and future AND yes ... I probably am a 'redneck' ! :twisted:
Lol,I hope they don't think us innept Canadian's are going to fund the project.Wouldn't it be more wise to point the finger on the person who let the terrorist's cross the border in the first place?pd
I follow the Devils

when Marty was swearing at the ref for not calling the interference at end of game #4, he swore in french
Hey Fellows thanks for the positive comments. I sort of like to treat others the same way I wish to be treated and not pre-judge anyone. There are good and bad in every group.
Red Norwich, Ontario.

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