O/T Prayer request

Hey guys, I want to ask if you would to remember my 3rd cousin Josh in your prayers.
He works with me and is having some health issues with blockages in his heart, kidney a lump on his lung and he is having some problems the past couple of days with his arm with no feeling in it, he is passing out some and is in pretty poor shape. I have told him, his parents have told him, his grandmother, his wife and I think even my dog has told him to get to the emergency room or the Dr.s office but the boys is just plain jacka$$ stubborn, it runs in the family by the way.
If yall would please remember him in your prayers that he will get through this, he just turned 27 by the way.
Many thanks and God Bless
Gary In TX
You need to get him to a doctor ASAP. Call 911 and have the EMT's check him over. He may end up with a stroke or worse. Hal
Hard to get someone to that MD, if they do not want to, only thing I can think of to get him there is a code 945, then they can still refuse... don't give up, prayers sent !
Lord, we come before you on behalf of our Board brother. Please help Josh to understand what is going on and accept help to fix the issues. Lord, reach out Your healing hand to Josh and help him through this time. Give the family patience in dealing with Josh and may their love for him comfort him. You are the Great Physician. Thank You for Your Blessings. Through Your Son, Jesus, we ask these things. Amen
Gary, may prayers work their magic in Josh and if you need to help them along, duct tape and rope work pretty good for hog-tying the boy.
Take care, know that we care. CL

Sounds like prayers aren't what he needs. More appropriate is a swift kick in the a$$ and remind him that him having a stroke and/or kicking off is just gonna hurt and put a burden on his family and friends.

Good Luck.

I understand that there's two times to pray for someone:

When he's right, and
When he's wrong.

That pretty well tells me that prayer is always indicated for everyone, dave2. In fact we are praying for you too!

God Bless You!

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