poachers..coyotes or space aliens what did this?


Well-known Member
was cleaning ditches today and burning off fence lines. came across this in the ditch and one about 25 feet in the field. looks like about 5 rib cages and spinal cords from deer, found two skulls, no antlers and several piles of hide, all spread out about 50 yard area. funny the rib cages and spinal cords are intact if it was coyotes. any ideas?????
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Probably poachers or slobs getting rid of their trash. Might have been a roadkill dragged off by coyotes.

Larry in Michigan
I don't know that it indicates 'poachers' necessarily. But it is obvious that somebody dumped what they didn't want or use in your ditch/field. I don't see any leg bones..so perhaps they took the front shoulders as well. There's not much on the ribs anyway.

Then again..maybe it was Druid sacrificial kill...hehe!
Funny thing is , if it WAS coyotes just doing what nature intended, we would all be ready to shoot them all but since it was just human "slobs" breaking the laws , nothing will be done and even if you cought them the law would just slap their hands and give them probation.Liberals!!
Most likley dumped there! How would that many anmials die in the same place? Did you see any dead anmials there this winter? Im assuming it is in a ditch along a road.
Leg bones probably dragged off by animals, coyotes, dogs, etc. Other remains look like they were picked clean by other animals - skunk, possum, vultures, crows, coyotes. Cause of death, difficult to tell unless you can find bullet damage to remains, or damage consistant with car-deer accidents. Other causes of death may have been winter kill, diseases, starvation, coyote/dog/cougar, etc. Sometimes the deer will escape persuers only to fall to exhaustion. sometimes a deer will travel some distance after a car/deer accident, before piling up and dieing. doesn"t look like anything I have not seen before.
Animals don't fall and die facing the same direction. This has indications that someone dragged them out of the back of a vehicle and pulled into your field. From there, the animals took what they wanted. You probably had an assortment of critters chewing on hide and meat, but humans took most of the good stuff. From experience with these, I can tell you its someone living within 5 miles of where they were dumped.

You could make it fun......... Get someone official to put a piece in the paper or start the rumor at the coffee shop that samples of the remains were taken and once DNA is established, there will be folks collecting samples from local freezer to see if there is a match. Then start seeing how much packaged meat turns up in ditches or dumpsters..........

I have the same thing. Some were wrapped in plastic bags. I grew up hunting, but I have gotten sick of hunters. I keep hearing how it's only a few that ruin it for the "vast majority" of good guys. I have trouble accepting those proportions. The average hunter around here is a bonifide jerk. And apparently ya can't go hunting without stopping at Mickey D's. And then ya gotta throw your wrappers out into my woods, or fields, along with beer bottles, whiskey bottles, pop containers, skoal boxes, and one time, a dead dog. Low life spent 10 minutes trying to kill his own dog in my neighbor's field. Got mad because it didn't hunt. Seeing as how he sounded drunk, I don't think it's was the dog's fault. And if ya gotta shoot a beagle 5 times with a 12 ga, you shouldn't be hunting. Dog finally ended up on my property, may have crawled here. A hunting license ought to have an IQ test required. There is a reason that almost every field ya see is posted "NO HUNTING" - too many idiots.
You found evidence of the long lost missing link and proof that men had tails before cavemen evolved from fish.

Decades back when I was stationed at Fort Hood, had range cattle there that the Army used for beef. A couple of city slicker fellas in my company bought them a bunch of beer and a couple bottles of ??? and drove their thunderbird out onto one of the ranges one night for a barbeque. They killed a head, lopped a hind leg off and commenced to barbequing. Well, the MPs curious about the campfire rode up horseback, and there was the dead head only feet away and minus the leg them couple of drunk GIs were barbequing. Well, its possible that they're out of Fort Leavenworth by now and made it your way. You aint seen a couple of scraggly lookin fellas drivin through your field in a '70 somethin thunderbird have ya? Find any empty beer cans or bottles of booze? If so...I'm guessing coyotes.

I agree with RAYP, but unless they were dumped there, the only way that many would die in one place--Lightning strike.
Before you start blaming coyotes, you'd better look for evidence of ACME products nearby...

...and probably some injured coyotes as well.
Someone in the venison butchering/ tanning business cleaning out their freezer.
We used to see this often in late winter in NYS. Darn slobs giving hunters a bad name...
Look at the way the fur is scattered.Definatly not poachers.Thats exactly the way it looks when there is a coyote kill .Yes there is coyotes in New Jersey.Coyotes left some guts then racoons took over the rest.
I'd say both humans and varmints involved in this one. As others said, 2 carcasses that close together in a ditch probably means humans dumped them there and coons/coyotes did the "cleanup" job. I've got remnants of a deer carcass on my property that's been worked on by animals and pretty much looks like what you've got.
Winter kill in area with depleted browse, multiple dead common, New Jersey had that a couple times when hunting restricted and hard winter. Most of the rumored poachers I am aquainted with don't leave much around- everything is eaten or used. Road kill around a deer crossing area can have multiple bodies- a brushy creek bottom with road crossing it was on my way to work , I hit a deer and came back next day after notifying sherrif- deputy said the road had a few deer hits recorded, found a couple other sets of bones same area. RN
I'd say, like others have, its a combination of people and critters. Five that close together I'd say some one shot'm cut the back strap out and dumped them. Varmits cleaned up what they could. It takes coyotes a good while to chew up them bones.

Spook , ya took the words right out of my mouth. I might add one thing though. What you are talkin' about are "shooters". There is a huge difference between hunters and "shooters". Hunters are becomming extinct and "shooters" have pretty much terrorized the fields and woods.
I just found one like that on my Dads woods which is way out in the middle of nowhere. Skull and spine with rib bones still attached. Antlers were still on it and if one side wasn't broken off they would have been a nice set. The broken antler was not a recent break as it was worn some possibly from scraping last year. If it was a fresh break, I would have guessed it was hit by a car out on the hiway a couple miles away and made it that far. My guess on this one was it was one a hunter wounded just enough to kill but not die on the spot. No leg bones or hair near there so I would say the coyotes or something dragged from where it went down.

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