Its later than you think

(quoted from post at 03:40:54 03/08/09) Stupid daylight saving thing. I was just getting use to it being light when I got up.

We change the 29th here....... Won't be so bad for me. I work 7-7 and every other week I leave when it's dark and get home when it's dark. At least I'll have a little light on one end.

It was just starting to lighten up about 6:30 . I like to get out early and get things done . I m generaly about give out by the end of the day , I dont need any more daylight to go in and go to bed !!
No big deal, I might get started to work around noon. 12 noon or high noon I dont know, just have to have dinner twice. There is enough daylite afternoon now.
Stupid Daylight saving is right,I don't like it either

I have heard there are some states that don't practice it/or is it some cities that don't?

if you think its stupid means you will never understand even if it was explained to you, what daylight saving is about, best thing ever for me each year, best thing ever in fall when its turned back, its good, wake up.
I see no need for it! They use to say it was to save on energy years ago and so the school kids didn't have to wait in the dark during the winter. I think they should just start school an hour later, any one agree? Better yet why don't we just change it a half-hour and never have to change it any more after that.

Call me shallow if you want.
John B, I myself like daylight saving time but I also think that you have a very good idea to change it one half hour and leave it there. I lose energy just changing my clocks twice a year.
Daylight Savings video
I would like getting home an hour earlier but It means my boss will get an hour more from me each day. He is not an early starter but likes to stay late. I'm the other way around.
To me it just means you use the lights more in the morning than you would have used them in the evening taking more energy. Also when the dew has to burn off before you can start to work that means a 1 hour less work day as you cannot exted that day because someone someplace that you have to be at - do is running on the fast time and that could have been done in the dark. Also after that dew is off so you can start and something breaks the parts store is already closed for the day. And where I am located if you use a sundial for high noon and when it says noon the clock already said 1:00 in the afternoon and now it will say 2:00.
Jackall: " if you think its stupid means you will never understand even if it was explained to you, what daylight saving is about, best thing ever for me each year, best thing ever in fall when its turned back, its good, wake up.:
I understand exactly what it means. It means that all the world changes its clock so that you can go to work an hour earlier and get home earlier so you can have the evening off. Why not change you work hours and leave the rest of us alone? . No matter what the little kid standing out in the cold waiting for the bus in the colder places. No matter the farmer who works all day and breaks some thing at what use to be 4:00 and go to town for parts to find all the stores closed and there is still 5 hours of daylight left and wasted.
I could go along with it is it were May 1st to labor day.
If it is so good, how about the power companies showing us the instant drop in power consumption on the day it gos in action???
Benjamin Franklin started the idea of Daylight savings time as a way to save lamp oil. I think he died in 1790 at the age of 84.

I understand it doesn't work out for everyone - guess we would all have to have individual time to do that. But DST gives thousands of us who are stuck working indoors until 5 PM a chance to have a little bit of an outdoor life in the evenings during the months of good weather.
I sure wish they would have waited at least another week. I've got Board of Review at 9AM tomorrow. It takes an hour to do chores,so it's still going to be dark when I'm out there at 7:30 in the morning.
I like Arizona time but it is confusing some times trying to figure out what time it is for the rest of you.Our time does not change. Sister lives in Oregon,Son lives in Colorado,Daughter lives in ILL,Niece lives in South Carolina,Nephew lives in Florida,Best friend lives in Hawaii and Racing buddy lives in Australia.Confuses me a lot when I get the urge to call any of them.JC
Interesting, since I thought my province (Saskatchewan, Canada) was the only jurisdiction that didn't change time. Every year the debate between pro and anti clock changes emerges again. Personally, I don't see the big deal over it. I kind of like not having to change our clocks.
For me it's hard to figure, darkness in the a.m. may not work for everyone, but it does not bother me. I appreciate the longer evenings, having some time after work to do things, it's hard when you take that away in the fall, having some light til 5:30 pm would be better for me, but don't make it right for others, well the winter sure passed soon enough, reflecting back to November, winter always seems like an eternity, but it kind of flew by. Today is the first warm day we have had since fall, the cold temps were consistent, snow cover stayed all winter, fair amount of snow, but not in excess by any means.

When you leave for work in the dark and leave to go home in the dark, shorter days, can be a little depressing, but Dec 21st is a huge milestone, you start to see the days getting longer in no time, by mid february things are looking up, so in reality, to me it's not all that bad, just a little unbalanced. I cannot imagine what it is like further north, places where the days are real short, that would be depressing, have to stay busy or something.

Spring is my favorite time of year, just a great time to enjoy and appreciate what is around you.
We have kids getting on the school bus in the dark around here. That doesn't make sense. Years ago, since my daughter had to wait on the roadside, the bus driver asked that she carry a flashlight, and shine it at oncoming cars. She'd give it to busdriver in the morning, when boarding, and driver would return it at evening drop off. Silly that we have to do things like that.
During the summer around here, it doesn't get dark till almost 11:00pm. As is see it, the main beneficaries recreational things like golf courses. A recent study showed that energy savings was NOT accomplished. All that happens is that we've shifted our work day ahead for longer evenings. Here on the farm, we have to farm by the sun, and weather conditions. Dew is off the hay and ready to bale when it is ready, not by the clock. Amimals expect to be fed and cared for not by the clock!
Kenny my man go back to the Archives 03/07/08 that is what Archives are for to remember what posts were printed.

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