Surprise yesterday AM

Went to check on the cows yesterday AM, all was well, checked on our original cow, 22 year old "Crazy Cow" had a fresh new bull calf at her side. He is healthy and eating well. This old cow was the first we bought to rebuild our herd 22 or so years ago, nearly our whole herd has her genetics in one form or another, only animal that will be allowed to live out her full life at the farm, just amazed at how healthy and strong this old gal is.
I know what you mean. I've got an old ewe that's much the same. She'll eat on my dime for as long as she's comfortable. 13 years and 24 lambs, she don't owe me a dime.
wow,that's a long time. i hope some of that longevity is in the rest of the herd.

about the most we ever got out of a cow was 13. by then the teeth were worn down. we used to buy a lot of 5-6 year old sandhill cows so the teeth were ground down a bit.jim
We've got a few cows like that- One was a red holstein that made it to be about 16-18 years old. Gave us lots of cute red heifers, and all of the red ones on our farm are related to her. About 1/3 of our herd is red right now.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Glad that didn't happen to me this morning. 12 degrees,unGodly cold northwest wind. I had a devil of a time calving too early last year. Didn't put the bulls out until July 3rd this last time,so we've got a while to go. Maybe spring,or something like it'll be here by then. I bought a small herd 6 years ago that had the bull with them all the time. Just about this time of year,I know it was February,one of them dropped a calf. Did it way down over the hill so I didn't find it right away. It was dead of course.
She got her name when she was young, you could walk right up and pet her and she would follow you around, but as soon as you tried to move her through a gate or into another pasture she would stick her tail straight in the air and run like a Gazelle, I found that if I chased her away from where I wanted her that she would try to get around me and go the opposite way. From that day forwrd if I want her to go through a gate I try to block her from it and chase her away, it almost always works. I think it is a game with her for whatever reason:<)
Farmers figured out the good genes makes healty good siblings years ago. Too bad "modern medicine" can't figure this out.
I love the "old animal" stories...these become members of the family!
I have a 36 year old appaloosa gelding that won at the World Show for us when he was 32. STill a stout lil' pony- he won an indoor jumper event for us 2 weeks ago. Old dude ( "Bent But Unbroken" show name) still just loves to run- likes a lot lighter rider now though! Follows my 2 year old son around like a puppy dog.
Amazing what modern feed does to keep animals alive longer.

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