Good Morning, Fixerupper

would you believe i slept frum midnight till 4:45? longest stretch of sleep since the surgery by two hours. woke up 45 minutes after the pain pill was due instead of two hours before so we are making progress. the 'o shoulder/arm are really hurting now. can't wait for the pill to kick in.

what are you doing at this time of the morn?jim
Glad you got to sleep in, I do that once in a while, but not often enough. Usually fall asleep in the chair after supper and the wife wakes me up and sends me to bed around 8. Wake up about 3 and have to pee. When I get up and get done, I'm still tired but if I go back to bed, I can't sleep, just toss and turn and keeps wife awake, so I just get up. Check out what went on on here after I went to bed. I have been on a read the Bible in a year program for several years, so I read a couple of chapters every morning and pray for a while. Started riding a excersize bike for 2 or 3 miles every morning, helps get loosened up enough to move around. It's 5:15, I'm going upstairs and make breakfast (microwave pancakes and a glass of milk). Take a dump and leave for work about 6. Wife says she sleeps better after I get up, so on the days she works, I usually get her up before I leave. You have a good day, talk to you later. Chris
Glad you are doing better. I am 2 months post surgury and am sleeping much better. Last Friday I over did it loading 50 pound bags of feed and fertilizer and rolling 2500 pounds of fertilizer on a pallet jack. Big mistake. I did not do permanent damage, but got real sore and could not sleep Friday night. I will now listen to the doc and wait for those weak muscles the strengthen up more. Please don"t overdo it to early.
God luck, Richard
richard,how far did the doc go on you? mine was rotor cuff only. by the way the pics from the scope look he cleaned up a bunch of fuzzy looking stuff in there. then he made about a three inch incision across the top of the shoulder. beyond that i don't know much except that he drilled in and put in a screw as an anchor for something.jim
Yes, My rotator cuff was severely torn. The doc said it looked like spagetti ends in there. He pulled things together and staked them to the bone with plastic stakes that will dissolve over time. I am getting pretty good range of motion now with only moderate pain. Be careful and don"t over do it.
Let things heal. I need a tattoo on my arm that says "BE CAREFUL DUMMY". Good luck, Richard

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