OT...Hit and run damage to car...in MN


My wife's car was hit a few nights ago. 2004 Cevy Impala...rear bumper, rear drivers quarter panel and scuff on edge of rear door. I will be talking with the adjuster soon. Are stuck paying our deductible on repairs? We do carry uninsured and underinsured. Times a tough and some $%%hole hits the car and drives away.....mnjoe
Used to be an agent would write up a hit-&-run as vandalism (a crime) & deductible was not applied. Talk to a user-friendly agent from any company. They generally know a way around if there is one.
it will be your lucky day if the deductible is all you end up paying, the last un insured druggie that hit me destroyed my previous kenworth all togeather it cost me 30 grand to get back on the road i had a uninsured rider in my policy too
We do carry uninsured and underinsured. Times a tough and some $%%hole hits the car and drives away.

Don't think it will help you with the collision damage claim, uninsured and underinsured is primarily intended to cover medical expenses for people injured in your vehicle when there is either no insurance, or not enough coverage (liability) from the other party.


We have "no fault" insurance in Michigan. When my son was hit, and it wasn't his fault, the deductible was waived. Car's totalled anyway.

Larry in Michigan
Two things come into play here: 1) Your car was involved in a collision, whether it was being driven or not; and 2) since the policy specifies a deductible, that's pretty much cut-and-dried gonna tell you what you're going to pay.

The car is only material possession; and you of all people should know where your treasures should be. Apparently, the car--and the deductible, and the characterization of the perp--tell us a lot about what you treasure. Sure, it's unpleasant to deal with...but we don't have to become unpleasant when adversity strikes us. Think of Job.
Depends on your policy, and state laws. Need to talk to your insurance company. Most states, the guilty motorist pays the damages. Was your car properly parked, or was this a moving collision?
It was parked on the dtreet....I know it's only a car. I know after yesterday lots of work will had for the body shops in MN and IA.
mn joe, i worked quite a few years for an insurance company handling claims. you do need to read the specifics of your policy. however, a hit and run accident involving another vehicle would be under the collision portion of the policy and the deductible would apply. under the umpd portion of the policy, un-insured motorist property damage coverage, the other driver would need to be proven not to have insurance. the insurance policy depends on the "proximate cause of loss" in this case, collision with another vehicle" comp coverage would apply to vandalism, theft, collision with animal, ect. something i found unusual would be that hitting a pedestrian with an automobile is covered under the collision portion of the policy, not under comprehensive coverage.
most policies have uninsured deductible, which since you cant identify responsible party should apply, some companies require proof of another vehicle, such as paint left on your car, part of other car, etc, just to show that it was a car, sometimes known as phantom vehicle, deductibles vary as to state and company, mark
Driver had many reasons for not sticking arourd which is no help to you.
1. No valid license either suspended or revoked.
2. No insurance.
3. Tags not for vehicle.
4. tags expired.
5. TOOO much to drink.
6. Dad's vehicle.
7. All time biggie for this area guest worker without any legal paper work. Eastern Euorpean drivers is also large in the area.
Hand cuffs were waiting if driver stuck around for most of above. Was the case on one of my work vehicles that was hit (cuffs).
I was T boned at an intersection in Wichita last summer by an person of "Latin" heritage that drove off leaving me with a totalled car. I got the tag but it was stolen from someone a couple months earlier. The cops told me that I really shouldn't count on them finding the person. They had more important things to do......
I suggest that everyone carry gape insurance. It covers the differance in what is owed on a car or truck and what the adjuster claims the total value if the vehicle is totaled. Its cheap and can save you a lot in most cases. Most leased vehicles include it in the lease.
Since your heart is obiously in the right place, perhaps you could pay the deductible for mnjoe. Seems only the right thing to do, don't you think, since treasures on earth are not really that important. He'll be looking for the check.

I interpreted Mr. Joe's post to indicate NOT whether or not he had the MONEY to pay the deductible, but whether he had the INCLINATION to pay that deductible, to which he is contractually obligated by the terms of the insurance policy.

I don't claim to be perfect, nor to have all the answers...but the Bible does, if you seek them out. Ecclesiastes 5:5 says, "It is better that you not vow, than that you should vow and not pay." By entering into a contract with the insurance company, you have made a vow to pay the deductible, should circumstances arise that call for paying the deductible.
I think you better read the original post again. He ASKED if that meant he had to pay the deductable (see question mark) not that he was trying to get out of it. He's disgusted and rightfully so. Money out of his pocket that he didn't have any control over.
The Bible also says we are our brothers keepers so I still think you should send the check. You'd be blessed for it.

just gotta share this couple years ago wife dinged a guys car in a parking lot wrote her name & phone # on paper & left it for him guess it was the right thing to do but !!! turns out car was 12 year old rust busket wasn't too happy when he demanded $ 500 for repir to dent but !!!!!!! paid up several months later she came home from same parking lot with passenger door caved in would not even open as soon as i was done bitching & complaining i said "honey it's ok , who ever did it must have left their name & phone number, right ?? i don't think so gotta love taking it on both ends

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