What to charge extra for stacking hay?


What's the going additional rate to deliver and then stack hay in a barn? If I charge $4.00 a bale, how much extra for the extra work? This would be small square bales about 50 pounders.
It's about a 40 mile delivery.
I learned a lesson the 1st year I was doing hay.
I charged $50 to del and stack the hay. Lady called and ordered 80 bales. I show up on time and she points to a shed by the pasture and said there is where I want them. I could not get with in 100 feet of that shed. Had to carry the bales 100 feet.

Now I offer to del for $50 but I tell the customer that only includes me getting the hay to thier property. They need to provide the labor and facilities to unload. But that I will help them unload.

I have dumped a couple loads in drive ways since. They say helps not here yet. I say, ok I can unload right here and your help can stack at thier leasure.

I am not humpin bales 100 ever again.
Of course you do what ever you need to do to keep your steady customers happy.
Well....I assume you know this already...but...unless a known and trustable customer....especially if a NEW UNKNOWN customer, either get paid before you load and arrive w/ hay, or at least get money before hay gets unloaded. I have been on way to many "You said $4 a bale, not $5." trips. If you dont get the money first, I suggest a signed contract....I have never tried to cheat someone, however, people love to try to do it to me.....Now if you have good customers who you know, I wouldnt worry about it....but you never know....
Yes yes good advice. I require cash payment for the 1st order I get from a customer.
Many horsey people who have stiffed thier normal supplier with a couple bad checks. Will be more than happy to stiff you with one. If thier horses are hungy and they have no money. What are they going to do?
I get about 1 out of 5 who say I will call you back. When the deal was done and I a request cash only for the 1st del. AFter the 1st check is ok. They have at least shown a ability to pay before.
All my hay is priced at my barn, self loaded. If someone wants trucking I charge 70.00 an hour for transportation and 25 cents every time we touch the bales (25 cents to load it, 25 cents to unload it, 25 cents to stack it, etc). Some of my customers bowed up over the price of they hay, 7.00 since I sold out of mine and had to start buying, but I've yet to have a complaint on the delivery price.
I get an extra $.25 for putting the hay on my wagon with my thrower. Then I get another $.25 for delivery with my elevator, if they stack and they are taking two wagons and it is within 5 miles. I go only direct from field to customer so I'm handling it only once. If the logistics require extra help the price goes up $.25 per helper.
This is the way to do it if your market allows you too.
Any extra labor in your small squares is labor Under valued.
Every time I touch that bale I get cranky.
I charge $.25 every time I touch a bale. I'm lucky most of my deliveries are within a few miles of the farm so I don't charge for that since my customers are regulars and their money is always good. I'd go at least $1/mile.
I figure 70/hour for delivery. That's roughly from the time I leave until the time I get back. I'll throw the bales off the truck.
Stacking.... I'd probably say 20 bucks an hour. I don't want to do it, period. If you insist, that's the rate, and if I'm humping the damn things a hundred feet, I'm getting paid for it.
The ones I like the best are the ones that point and say 'dump it over there'. Works good for me.
I don't mind unloading off the truck if there's a couple there to help with stacking. It goes quick and nobody has to work too hard... but if there's only one person stacking it's wasting my time, or else I have to be up and down helping stack. I don't care for that...


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