Totally O/T Just fer you old guys (and gals)

Allan in NE

Well-known Member

I'm just messin' around here this morning. But, I like old tractors and I like old songs.

Anyhoo, ran these two old tunes across my guitar out in the garage last night and thought maybe some of you might like to hear 'em if ya like this sort of thing.

Don't ya be throwin' any rocks neither. It's early, my knarly old broken fingers don't move like they used to and yes, that silly old guitar needs new strings. :>)

<a href="">Just A closer Walk With Thee</a>

<a href="">In The Mood</a>

That's great, Allan..........'course, we'd 'druther have seen the video. Reminded me of something I haven't thought of in a long time. My (youngest) aunt was a teenager in the '40s; she had a 78 rpm (reckon that's all there was) record of Glenn Miller playing "In The Mood"; she played it enough that she wore all the sound off.......
That's just me with my "garage band". It's turnin' into a long darned winter. :>(

When the wife says, "Go outside and play", I head for the garage. :>)

Oh sure,

Folks really like that tune. My old fingers won't roll those triplets like that used to tho.

So, I just slop thru the derned thing. :>)

Here is my Glenn Miller story: A friend who flew C-47s and coincidently dropped the last trooper into combat in WWII, was on leave to France and went to see a Glenn Miller show. The pre-show announcement was that there would be a substitute show. One of our returning bombers had dumped their load over the channel the night before and wiped out Miller's plane. Only later did it hit the news.
Thanks Paul,

But, I'm just an old broken-down barroom player that should have quit this nonsense years ago.

Darned sounds get in yer blood tho and it's how I relax nowadays. :>(

Why Allen that's really good. There's people coming in evey week that ain't that good wantin' on the opery. I caught the drums on "In the mood" and the fiddle on "closer walk". My neighbor could use a sound board and make you sound like Ol Chet. You should hear some of the people that think they can play. But you are good, I don't need to tell you that. Just a pat on the back for you. Pat,pat,pat.

Don Temp 48f here in Nashville
Allen you are amazing individual I must say. Do you Bake? If so then I am convinced that their is not much you can not do once to put your mind to it. I am much younger then a lot of people on hear But I just love Glen Miller my wife said I should of been born in the late 40 early 50 not the 60 as I love things from that era not the one I was born in. Keep up the good work.

Northeast puller 1
Allan, you sure missed your callin, Man, you should have gone to Nashville for sure,,,,Hey,maybe it's not to late,course you'd have to park the old iron fer a while. Happy New Year to your and yer Bride...Jim in N M
Joe that is him with the help of electronic stuff.

But he is playing guitar along with it.

I have him play on the internet several times.

Oh no, Allen, I'm from Smyrna, Tn where we got fourteen thoudand eight hundred and thirty two gituar picker and more comin' most every day, and some a goin' back home. Hard to go anywhere without hearin' a picker. Some don't last long but I believe you could. It did sound good.
Were you playin' a Les paul?

That darned sax and B3 organ will throw folks.

I shove the guitar signal thru a GR-1 Roland synthesizer to get those two other instrument sounds.



No Sir,

I play a straight hot-rodded Strat with just a touch (1 milsecond) of delay thru a stereo tube.

Hey Allan, Im the NEWBIE Banjo Player Wannabee remember me?? Anywho I been at it for like a year now and I can pretty well KEEP IN TIME and play in any keys called out which allows the players at the local Jams to put up with me and allow my weekly presence lol I try to hear and play by ear (chord changes) the 3 or 4 chord songs, the 1 2 4 5 thing along with the seventh lead ins and even hear the minors now n then wooooo hoooooo

Wayyyyyy back when I started my musician son told me to NOT worry about hitting allllll the rights notes JUST DONT HIT ANY WRONG/SOUR ONES AND HIT THE RIGHT CHORD and people wont mind my playing and he was right.

I still work at it hard n daily but playing the 5 string Scruggs finger style aint no easy task (have all that right hand finger stuff PLUS the left hand chord stuff to worry about) but I enjot it and learn more almost daily

Have a Happy New Year Allan

John T in Indiana
Man I wish we lived closer together. I would have a blast playing with you.

Drums or base. Both would be fun.

Maybe if I got rid of the cows I could come out for a few months every winter.

Do you do vocals? I'll do the harmony.

I had to play both of them three times. Thanks for sharing with us. In a couple of weeks, we are coming west along I80 to North Platte. How far off 80 are you located?
I got this all figured out Gary.

I let 'em in for free and then charge big bucks for 'em to get out. I'm makin' money hand over fist. :>)

Well, there ya go.

Can we still wink at the gals as they dance by? :>)

I used to play with fella from Minot, ND. He played with the 6 Fat Dutchmen as I recall. He'd be a squeezin' that box and I'd be yankin' the strings until all hours of the night and early morning.

Sure miss being young. :>(

Let's see,

Gonna be in Hay Springs on the 10th, Alliance on the 23rd and Scottsbluff on the 24th. I don't get too darned far away from home any more. :>)

Still a heck of a long way from North Platte tho; probably a good 300 miles?

Some good pickin for a old guy. Did you ever live in Minot ND? My Mom is from there, she left in the late 30's with her Mother, and Brother. She would tell us it was so cold there some times the cat's ears would freeze. Stan

It's All Clear Now.
Time for Allen to come clean.

Owns a bunch of guitars...
Lives in the Nebraska Panhandle...
Plays the guitar really well...

He's really Randy Meisner of the
original 'Eagles Group.'

Hey, I wanna hear a little 'Desperado'

Gotta Be
No, but I lived west of there bout 70 miles in Williston.

At -31, if you take a hot cup of coffee and throw it in the air, it will all boil away before it ever touches the ground.

Coldest place I've ever been. :>(

Hi Allen, whilst you was pickin', I was grinnin'. Good stuff! All you need is a campfire and a tree with a plug in, oh yeah, warmer weather wouldn't hurt either. I get together with some folks around Lyons, IN and pick some too. This year everyones river cabins got flooded out in June so it was late in summer/ early fall when we all got together since everyone was buzy rebuilding and cleaning up, but we fixed that tree plug in and got the music flowing again. One of the couples play a song called "I am my own grandpa" and we all get a kick out of that one, Ol Greg breezes right through those tough to remember lyrics. I have an ol strat too I reworked the neck, frets and shimmed it up nice with paper and it darn near plays itself now. Keep up the good pickin'
Allan you are just the best, first with picts now with you music. Now i can look at your picts and listen to you music at the same time.

thanks, Brad

Real good Allan, next time we come through I expect to buy you dinner [u:5558d84c83]after[/u:5558d84c83] you play a few tunes. Bob
Allen, really good music. Reminds me of the Chet Atkins days. Could you email me at [email protected]. I have a son moving to Scotsbluff in February and he is a farmer at heart. He will be working at the hospital as an Orthopedic Surgeon. Thanks Henry
Good pickin Allan. Is that the red Fender Strat you posted a few weeks ago? I gotta get mine out and tune it up after supper, you got me fired up!
Hey Allen, I must be one of those old guys. very nice. Sure enjoyed it. I play a little myself and I'm partial to the old hyms and spirituals. rw
Gee Allen Chet Adkins is probably rolling in his grave right now even though I think he was acoustic sure sounded great "Curtain Call" let's hear more!BTW The name you just mentioned of Dandy Don is mine also but I'm not from Texas and can't play the piano but I understand I have relatives in Texas on my Dad's side they must have gotten all the musical talent I was the Irish tenor voice kinda went south probably Texas. :->
Hey Bob I have the recording of "I am my own Grandpa" by Lonzo and Oacar on 78 rpm. It was my grandpas' On the flip side is "You blacked my blue eyes once too often" They don't write them like they used to. rw
Ok Allen, I forgive you for liking those red tractors. Anyone that can pick like that can like any color they want. Seriously, that was very good.

More pats on the back, Allen. I've got an ear for music but can't play anything except the radio.

Allan, Thanks for the "In the Mood" ditty. Reminds me of my Mom sitting at her baby grand piano playing all kinds of music. She was a big fan of Bennie Goodman and all the Big Band sounds, also Jazz too. To watch her play piano or organ at church on Sundays was always a treat.
Its been just over 3 years since we lost her. Thank you again Old Friend! Stay warm and dry!
John A.
Allan,"GREAT" is the only way to describe it !!!!
I couldn't play a tune if I had to, but I know great when I hear it and that is "GREAT" !!!! Is there anything you can't do ? Wow keep it up !!!
Simply great, you are very talented.

However I'm kinda like a little kid, never satisfied with a little.

If you get a chance could ya lay some more on us? I truley enjoyed it, and will put it in the favorites.

Thanks again, for those plesant tunes.

North East Iowa
A poor man's Chet Atkins? Just kiddin, send us more.Maybe "Please don't play Red River Valley" by JC. The first song I learned on the guitar. And yes, it was a Stella!

A poor man's Chet Atkins? Just kiddin, send us more.Maybe "Please don't play Red River Valley" by JC. The first song I learned on the guitar. And yes, it was a Stella!

Great playing, allen! Yeah, my wife always made me go upstairs to the spare bedroom to practice my banjo pickin! It only took me 3 years to find out how to do the 3-finger style! Once i got it, it all fell into place.
We have a weekly jam session in a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa. I try to go every week. One night, this curly haired dude came in, and asked if he could borrow a mandolin, so one guy handed his over. Then the guy and i started playing some good bluegrass, and other types of tunes.
An hour later, the guy left. I asked somebody who he was, and they said Peter Rowan!
Woo-hoo! Got a picture of that session!
I'm now 84 yoa, and am able to pick 3-finger style with the better players. Once you get it--you wonder why it took so long!
And, i enjoyed you pickin, too. Sounds great!
By: Rusty Jones
I gotta say not bad for a guy with red tractors. No, Really, MORE, MORE!! Just great. I have down loaded it to "My music" and it just might inspier me to try "burning" it to a disc so I can take it with me in the truck and play it on the stereo upstairs too. I may learn some new computer skill here. Which I need to do,I operate at the very basic level on the computer. But thanks again Alan!! WDTom
That was Great !!
Open your own websight so I can download some of that old time music.

Come and play in my garage anytime!!

I sure miss that garage pickin and a grinnin

I played for four years in a country Gospel band.
almost all family, Three generations on stage at one time.

The youngest was the married and sold his drums.

My Brother passed on two years ago was a lead singer , played rhythm,and an omni chord.

My Nephew played Lead and still does for a gospel group that he originally played for in his earlier years. and sings harmony.

Two were friends, a bass player and a fiddle player.

I never got the courage to amp my guitar although it is a late 70's Yahama S series.
Have been told several times I could sing,but to do this I still need a cheat sheet [can't remember the words under pressure.]
" In The" Mood was our theme song.
Your Playing is a reminder to never give up a talent that was God given. I am so glad you have people to help keep that alive for you .

One guitar isn't fun anymore when no one plays close to me now.

You think your rusty, mine hasn't been out of the case it'll be 3 years in march.
Well, hang me upside down and see what falls outa my pockets! I just knew it. some people get triple portions of talent and the rest of us are left fighting for a slice. Tell ya what... get Ia Gary out there to sing lead, I'll carry the high tenor (cause I wear really tight pants) and you can have baritone or bass and we just need somebody to scratch the bottom and we can have an ol' fashioned stompin'. Really I have sung male quartet and barbershop for many years and need a new gig and bunch to jam with so lets get it together. We can put on I.H. seminars by day and rap well into the night and feel like we're 30 again. Migraine I'm really serious about this!
Allan that was awesome I had a brother in law he called himself Charlie Ardeen played in bars him his guitar and a machine he called Mr. Mike made other instrument sounds.This was the early 70s here in Omaha Ne.It was great fun.Sadly cancer took him from us. But you sure brought back good memories. Thanks Tony
Allan even though don't like us tractor pullers I still think you're a man of many good talents, and you are even more talented than I thought. Just great. Thanks.


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