farm subsidies


Well-known Member
Just walked into the end of the savior talking about "that's one example of waste that we intend to end". Didn't hear the whole story though,

Our local FSA committe didn't find anyone in our counties subject to disqualification; however if one shows up we will try to borrow money to keep the office open!
What are the main subsidies doled out to farmers anymore? Is money still being paid for stupid things?
I remember when my dad got paid for NOT raising wheat
Ethanol.......that's the biggest subsidy out there right now. Basically, there is a tariff on ethanol that basically prevents ethanol from being imported along with a mandate that Ethanol be added to fuel. This keeps the corn ethanol companies in business. Without it, corn based ethanol would die a fiery death because there are more economical ways of producing the stuff.
It was probably something to do with the recent Government Accountability Office report.

"At least 2,702 farmers nationwide received subsidies between 2003 and 2006 even through they were making more than the $2.5 million gross income cutoff. The unwarranted payments totaled $49 million and exposed enduring Agriculture Department management problems, investigators concluded."

"The 2008 bill changes the $2.5 million income cutoff for subsidy recipients. Now, subsidies are banned to farmers with off-farm income exceeding $500,000 or on-farm income exceeding $750,000."
Wealthy continue to get farm subsidies, GAO finds
It is currently not cheaper to use switchgrass or other cellulosic materials to make ethanol. If it was, it would be done that way. Limiting factor is developing enzymes to break down the starches in those materials. Will it happen? Yes, over time. For years, we've been hearing 5-10 years. Current plants will be able to adapt to that new technology when it is available. Right now, corn is the only viable product to use, and it is not wasted. Nor does it consume more energy than what it produces. About 1/3 of the energy is converted, the balance is an excellent livestock feed, especially for ruminants. Single stomach animals can also use it on a limited (10-30% ration) basis. Does the industry deserve start-up subsidies? Sometimes it takes incentives to get new ideas off the ground. Remember what your Mother said your vegetables, they're good for you? Same thing here- will pay off in the long run.
The shame is that back in the 70's Big E was put foreword as a solution for weaning ourselves off of foreign oil. It's taken over thirty years to pick back up where it was left.
Thats incredible they are paying subsidies to some of those folk while hammering small guys with 20,000$ off-farm if their on farm income drops due to price fluctuations. A bunch of them got audited up here because they made more money off farm in a bad year so it must be a hobby farm, not loss allowed. But oh if you make a bunch of money next year because corn prices recovered, you have to hand it over or we will toss you in jail for tax evasion.
wow i just went and checkon some of the subsidies that the local farmers are getting wow no i know why they let crops lay in the feld till the corn falls down and the beans pop open and the have new combines and trators and yet they cry they wouldnt recomend any one to start farming lot of them have came crying to me in the past to help them fix this or that or to borrow some thing this just gives me a hole new out look
Are you including the energy required to prepare the soil, plant the corn, and harvest? It's a big bubble that's about to burst.
Verasun got stupid - or bad advice from their lenders - and tried to play a game with buying & selling corn. They bought a lot of extra corn when it was at it's peak price back this winter, and now that it has dropped to less than 1/2 that price, they are really messed up.

Their problems have nothing to do with ethanol per say, but with how poorly their grain buyers did their job - buy high, and use after the price drops.


Unfortunately now their grain contracts are being redone by a judge, and farmers are going to be the one's holding the bag. Either deliver your corn & hope you get paid for it a year from now after everyone else gets paid; or agree to deliver your corn contracts for current price, not the price agreed to on the contract.


If we were serious about ethanol production from crops, sugar beets seem like a much more suitable US crop than corn is. Ethanol from corn is just a red herring. It keeps ADM, Cargil, Monsanto, and the rest of the corn lobby happy. This lobby in turn keeps elected officials happy so I don't expect much to change.
There are, one just down the road from me drives a Bentley. No joke. Rest of the family is just as rich, so I hope the USDA subsidies never stop going to them, because this is America, and people that work hard deserve to be paid, as long as you are not a lowly hourly wage earner.

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