Purchasing tractor parts


Well-known Member
Just wanting some opinions. Found a tractor part on this forum, called the guy Sunday,discussed it and told him if it is what he said it is I would take it but I would not be able to get it until this weekend since it was 350 miles away.He said to send him an email and he would send me some picks. I sent him an email and again told him I would not be able to pick it up until this weekend. Since I wanted to look around a town close by when I picked it up I booked a room.Called the guy Tuesday to arrange a pick up time at his convenience of course, and sure enough he said he sold it. I'm sure I can find another part but what ticks me off is now I'm out $123.67 for the room. If you called me for a part and said you would take it,trust me, it would be there. I'm a man of my word and that's the way my dad raised me. I guess you can't even trust the good ol boys on this site. So what is the proper way you arrange for pickup? What he doesn't know is I would have paid double his asking price.Thanks for your advice.
Have seen on another forum I read a multi page post/thread that basically is a long list of comments about deals. Poster A will write just a short note about someone they met and bought parts from. Mostly a very positive thread but always a few warnings about someone to avoid.
I run into people like that all the time.I tell everyone "I'm a buyer,not a shopper" If I wasn't interested in buying something I wouldn't waste your time and more important,I wouldn't waste mine.Recently,I called a guy about a couple old Bolens tractors.I kinda collect them and these two were a good deal.I called him and told him I wanted them.I got directions to his house and I was to leave my place at 3 PM to go get them.I was paying his asking price.10 minutes to 3,he called me and informed me that someone else had called him about the tractors.When the guy told him they were sold and someone was coming to get them,this guy offered 50 bucks more.You know the rest of the story.I didn't get the tractors.That's not the way my parents raised me.What's the world coming to.
It's getting worse all the time.

You should try selling some stuff sometime. You hear lots of people are on their way , but yet never show up. This really kills your faith in people so you take the money from the first one that shows up.

Personally I am still very trusting and do try to give a person reasonable time to come and look or send a deposit. I have been on both sides of this problem as a buyer and a seller.
I read the complaints about poor manners and just had to tell yall this story. A few months ago I requested on this form a Case s magneto. I got a reply from one of the fellows who said he had a good mag and would send it for a agreed upon price. If I didnt like the mag I was just to send it back to him and if I was satisfied I was to send him our agreed upon price.I received the mag in the mail and it was perfect so I sent him his money. After I was thinking this was the third mag I had purchased, money up front and no returns and each time the seller lying thru his teeth has said that the mags worked perfect.I have forgotten the mans name who sold me the good mag but you know who you are and first I want to thank you for being honest and second I want to tell all those out there that many honest people still exist.Imagine sending a stranger a magneto and telling him only pay me if you are satasfied.God bless you stranger your kindness has not gone unnoticed.
It goes both ways. I have a Komatsu loader for sale. Had it advertised, got a dozen calls, eleven of them said "Man that sounds like a nice machine, I want to come look at it" Nobody has come to look at it. That's been 2 months ago.

Had a tractor for sale a few years back. Feller stopped in to look at it. Thought the tractor was ok and the price was right. But when he said something about having to check with his wife first I knew I would never see him again.

Most hotels will let you out of the room 24 hrs in advance. Depending on where you are $123 can buy you a pretty nice room... Take the wife and "enjoy the room".

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