Censored phone calls OT


Well-known Member
I am selling some of my personal assets to survive in during the current state of the economy. I believe my phone calls are being censored by a group of corrupt individuals and the only calls allowed through to my home lare from lawyers and public officials. This has been going on for a long time. What can be done? Why is the "system" so broken?
Take some of that money and see a Doctor your really out of touch, and I honestly believe your losing it. Best of Luck.
the system is so broken because we the people were to busy to notice it cracking! now we don't know where to put the tournicut (sp)
If this is not "tongue in cheek", you need to get some help for your mental state. I doubt you or your calls are important enough for "corrupt individuals" to care about. Mine aren't.
It's not your phone THEY are listening to it's your brainwaves. What you need is a tinfoil hat. For plans to build one talk to a guy named "Harley", he'll help you.
That explains a lot of things I was wondering about. My neigbor's name is Harley......

It's easy to 'stick your head in the sand' and deny reality; try going outside some night....around 2:00 A.M. I promise you the black helicopters will be overhead; they're invisible and silent, but THEY'RE THERE; WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!!!!!!
I don't know,those seem to be the only calls I get too.I must be on somebodys hit list. Maybe I said too much leading up to the election. By the way,I'll let you know how the audit goes,if they'll let me use the internet from prison.
Yeah, he's right...they used to listen in on my calls all the time...but they had to quit: my life was/is so dull and boring their people were always going to sleep on the job...(lol)

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