o/t big time


Well-known Member
Not sure how to ask this: but how many of us here smoke[can of worms]. I'am well over 50 and I have had this habit for many years. My father was aginst cig. at the ripe age of 13 the only thing I could smoke was a pipe in the house, now after many years I have got back into pipe smoking and found it's better than any store bought cig. and yes also did the chew, gave me heartburn most of the time.
I don't smoke but my grandfather did.He started when he was also 13,had himself hypnotised when he was 83 to stop.It worked,a week later he had cardiac arrest and passed away 2 weeks later after the doctors and family decided he wouldn't want to be on unconscious life support as there were no signs of improvment.He smoked for 70 years and till that point was pretty healthy as far as everyone knew.My dad said he would lite the first one off the stove in the morning and lite one off the last one till dark.
What exactly are you smoking?

The link title title "Big Time" and the "here smoke[can of worms]" is a little confusing.

Or is that some secret code word for a pipe?

Perhaps I just showing my ignorance.
There is a big push against smokers now and I think it is a little crazy. I don't smoke but I don't care if someone else wants too. It's a free country, or at least it use to be!
My father was a lifelong pipe smoker. At age 71 he was diagnosed with cancer of the throat, and in the process of coping with it his voice box was removed. He lived another 15 years talking by holding an electronic gadget next to this throat.

A couple of other thoughts. When I met my wife, I was smoking a couple of packs a day. On our second date, my wife admitted she's allergic to tobacco smoke. I took a pack of cigarettes out of my shirt pocket, threw them into a nearby trash can, and haven't touched one since. We were married 43 years last month. Anyone who wimps out and says they want to quit smoking but can't simply hasn't had the proper motivation.

Smokers insisit they're not affecting anyone but themselves. That's plain BS. Once, after a meal, a man in our group pulled out a cigar and asked my wife if she minded if he smoked. She told him she didn't mind if he smoked if he didn't mind if she threw up on his plate.
FWIW I quit 2 months ago after 25 yrs. Smoked backwoods cigars last 10 yr at 1 pack a day. I've seen too many old smokers with lung damage I hope to avoid. Everything from clutching oxygen bottles and resting after several steps to flat out dying of lung diseases (other than cancer). That's just my choice for me. I'll still smoke a big fat cigar every week or 2 and may stop that some day.
Only thing I ever smoked was sharing a cigar with my mom when I was 5.

She was spading the garden over, & the gnats were _terrible_. So she would get out the aweful cheap cigars that were given out at baby showers back in the day, & light one up - the smoke would keep the bugs away.

Never had the urge to try anything else, always thought what if I liked it, it would cost me a lot over the years?

I never smoked but can't be very judgemental of those who smoke and keep it to themselves. Having said that, the REASON I don't smoke is I grew up hearing my dad cough for half an hour every morning when he got up. Then he died of lung cancer at 57, having quit some ten years earlier. I still miss him.
I quit after 30 plus years mostly because it is too much trouble to smoke anymore. You are a pariah anywhere you go and can hardly get a hotel room anymore. I do think we may one day seriously regret allowing the level of legislation aimed at a legal practice to get as far out of hand as it has. Anti smoking and certain other causes such as seatbelts,majority of drunk driving offences and ''Hate crimes'' have seriously eroded our rights as free people and set some very unconstitutional precedents. These type of inroads on our basic liberties are sure to be exploited and expanded by the newly elected President and congress. Smokers are the only group of people on earth that it is not only acceptable to discriminate against but is actively encouraged. Could you imagine what would happen if you told an AIDS patient that you could not rent him a Motel room because he might bleed on something or charge a queer more for health and life insurance because he might catch AIDS, self destructive behaviors are not treated the same in the US.

Most of us non-smokers don't care if you smoke as long as we don't have to be subjected to it. Smoke in your house, in your backyard, in your car, I don't care. But when I have to walk through a cloud of a proven carcinogen to get into a store because the employees are huddled at the entrance, that's a problem. My parents both smoked and my mother died at 57 of smoking related cancer. We were subjected to second-hand smoke as kids but with all the knowledge today about its dangers, you'd be knowingly endangering your kids to smoke around them today. I can't understand why young kids (nieces/nephews of mine included) take up the habit. It's costly and unhealthy. But, it's your choice. Light up if you wish.
I dont mind if others smoke, same as I dont mind them speeding or going thru red lights as long as Im not near them. If you wish to ask me yes I used to smoke and still love the smell of a good cigar but intelligence has told me via a heart attack that its not good for me.Have you not noticed that MOST of the elder people that are dying are smokers who couldnt quit.Oh yes we all know that exception you can tell all non smokers about who is 107 years old and still smokes 2 packs a day.
I've smoked off and on, mostly when I was in the Army back in the 80's and it was too much trouble to chew. Thats been my real nicotine passion.
My late dad always smoke a pipe and chewed Mail Pouch. He never smoked in the barn, but would chew when milking. He would light up that pipe when washing the milkers.

My sister just died this past September from NON
Hodgkins disease. She was a heavy cigarett smoker
for years to stay skinny. The doctors said the smoking had nothing to do with her getting that disease since some people get that, that don't smoke. Hal
I smoked for a couple years and decided then it was a waste. I'm 59 now, and don't think I could give up a whole lot of my air now.

I know what opening up a can of worms means, but anyone who smokes and uses the excuse that hey know so and so who...bla bla bla.. You can excuse yourself, but you sure arn't kidding the doctors or anyone in the medical field. My guess is you won't have to ask a doctor, they will know by just visiting with you for a few moments.

Yes it is a very powerfull drug that is legal, and I'm not so sure that another medical test will give different results. Smoking is bad for you, and for anyone else that maybe kidding themselves. I feel very sorry for you as I know gasping for air is not the best way to check out.

I sit here getting fatter by the munite, and keyboards arn't the best exercise for my health either. Just so you smokers all know, I do understand, but our better days are usualy behind us all, not ahead of us.
I grew up with parents that both smoked heavily. Said I would never smoke. Well at age 20 I started. At age 39(2 plus packs a day habit), after meeting my second wife and asking her to marry me I quit cold turkey and have never looked back! She had 2 children from a previous marriage, and now we have 2 more of our own, one of which is only 8 days old today! I am very much happier now! For those of you that smoke and want to quit-the key to it is YOU HAVE TO WANT TO QUIT to make it work!!!
I do the EMS thing, and I will guarentee that as most smokers die, they can't hang on to a smoke.

However their hands do turn colder (with blue nails) as they lack for oxygen.

I don't intend to be rude or personel, but it just ain't pretty, and hope you all can quit soon.
My cousin smoked 2-3 packs a days for several years. He dicided to quit. Saw this program on TV that you can buy these filters for your cigs. Each week you step up to a tighter filter-makes it harder and harder to pull the smoke through. After six weeks he still smokes....but he can suck start a Honda.
Amen! Have to put up with smokers all the time where I work. Not just employees but customers too. Do it at home or don't do it. I inhale all the smoke I want and then some when burning brush and attending tractor pulls. One of my uncles passed away at 45 and one of my grandfathers at 70. They (docters) didn't say much about whether the three packs a day my uncle smoked had an impact but I doubt it helped.

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