automobile vs tractor accident.......


Well-known Member
just wanted to post this as a reminder. very sad accident near here, prolly both parties contributed to the accident, we are praying for the full recovery of the driver of the car
thats a bad thing but the article said she had to way to avoid the tractor, ummm dont toyotas have brake pedels in them? its harvest and fall tillage time people in farming areas should be prepared to encounter farm machinery on the roads that rig should have been easily visible from a good distance
the radio said that the tractor tried to get further off the road, and the disc caught a guardrail and swung back out into the road, striking the car. hard to say exactly what happened. 22ft disc is pretty wide to be moving down the road tho if it wasnt folded up.
Sugar beet time in my area and wet. Roads are all paved and in good shape, but get pretty soupy and dangerous. Most of the farmers are careful and courtious as possible, but you always have the clown that is late for work or just thinks he's better than a farmer that screws things up. Got a hotshot that works upstairs from me that was showing off on his new Harley and slingshot around the right side of a car that was in a turn lane and ran face first in the back of a grain wagon. Barely made it and is ugly as sh!t now with a Herman Munster forehead and a hairlip. Hope the lady is OK.

Yea and 2 paragraphs later she struck the disk.

Nice of the paper to word it that way.

These idiots on the road don't have a clue. Seen lots of people passing on blind curves or running in the ditch just to get around.

Its going to be all the farmers fault and he is going to loose his farm over this I would imagine and the other will be screwed up for life cause they couldn't slow down.
Either way. When I see a piece of big machenery coming the other way I slow way down to pass by. Thus if there is a accident it is at 10MPH or less.

Course I've zipped along some back Indiana roads at 70MPH too.
Why do people blame the farmer first? Maybe it was his fault, swung the disk into the car, maybe it was the drivers fault not watching the road, maybe there was a second car as noted in the comments.

Fact remains everyone needs to watch the road and take precautions. Seems more times then not it is the fault of the driver. A few years ago not far from here a 70 year old farmer was traveling down the road with a 4430JD and a feed wagon as he did every day, and was plowed into from the rear by a semi. The farmer was killed instantly and the wagon and tractor was broke into pieces and scattered all over.

Whether your the farmer or the auto driver you need to watch the road at all times. You never know when a tree is down or a UPS truck is in the way backing in to somewhere, or even a combine is on the road.

I hope the driver and the farmer are both going to be ok.
For peats"s sake, How hard is it for You to pull over to the side of the road and let big machinery like that pass? They also said that the accient hapened on a colvert, So the driver had to of seen it coming unless they wern"t paying atention, in which case the accident was there fault.
I hope that the driver gets a full recovery, but I also hope that they lerned a vary important leson. Car vs disc. The disc will always win. Especially with a small car like the camry.
Sad, but this might have been avoided if some common sense was applied (unless for some unseen reason, the farmer was on the road after dark, and had no lights on) Everyone's in too much of a hurry anymore.
There wasn't enough info posted to tell exactly what happened. It could have been dark, the disc had no lights or reflectors or SMV sign, there was a hill, etc., etc. If it was on a secondary hwy. with a 50 mph or so speed limit, you'd come up on a slow moving tractor pretty fast. Sounds like it was just being in the absolute wrong place at the wrong time. Dave

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