Read about and possibly help a once proud American.

Cindy K

New User
Hi all,

If any of you have a spare moment, please take a look at the link / blog bellow. We are trying to help a friend in need, so take a few moments to read and see what you think.

Think this type of stuff should be illegal, but unfortunately it isn't. Hope nonone falls for it. There is help out there if it is a real situation. Sometimes, I think that the VA is too easy. Don't get me wrong, if you need help, you need help. My biggest peave is people that are paid for conditions that they brought on themselves (in peacetime) IE. hearing loss when everywhere you go in a military community there are signs in loud areas stating hearing protection required and there is usually a box of earplugs next to the sign and all soldiers are required to carry earplugs as part of the uniform. Knee injury from playing basketball while off duty, etc, etc.
There is so many people abusing the system that the folks that really need it are catching the flack.

Well Dave when i was in there was NO hearing protectors and believe me i spent a bunch of time on the range with the M14A1 and A2 and the long gun a model 70 in 300 Wmag, then came the trip across the pond and there is nothing like being fifteen yards away from the ft. of the muzzle of a 105 when it goes off over your head or having 155 rounds being dropped in within a hundred and fifty yards of your possession or a mortar round going off a few feet from ya . Or how about setting in a bunker with MA Duce holding down the butterfly till the barrel turns red during a fire fight when the base camp is trying to be over run . ANd trust me there were NO SIGNS and no hearing protectors to be had. . And the last thing ya wanted when out in the bush at night was HEARING protectors . ANd yes today i enjoy a ringing in my ears and have hearing loss. And i have been thinking about going to see the VA about this as my one buddy and Viet Nam vet is getting MONEY for it SO why not . Am i getting one dime for the extra scrap metal that i still have in me from over there or one dime for the 4 times that i was hit NO they just wanted me to stay just a bit longer and maybe my family could have got the 10000 buck from the insurance .
(quoted from post at 00:44:03 09/09/08) .

I didn't mean to upset anyone. I was just commenting on my observations. I can't comment on anything before 1984, but since then I've seen enough fraud, waste, and abuse to make me sick. My illegal comment was the bleeding heart story that wanted you todonate to a paypal account.
The self inflicted comment was sparked by (one of several) my seeing an already worthless soldier skin his knee while playing basketball (while the rest of his comrades were in the motorpool working). Got out on a disability on a disability and went to work at a local prison where his self inflicted disability bumped out a local Joe who was probably better for the job.
Most recently, I worked in an office with a guy that can only be described as an oxygen thief, drawing a paycheck for the job he is supposed to be doing now ( his supervisors fault), a military retirement check (which he deserves and I appreciate his service), and just had his disability raised from 30% to 60% because of bad ankles. The guy weighs about 350 pounds. Signed himself up on the civilian fitness program so me and you can pay him 3 hours a week to go to the gym across the street from 1600-1700 M-W-F. He starts changing at 1500 and leaves in his sweats at 1545 and can be found leaving Burger King or Popeyes with a bag of food at 1605 heading for the gate and home (blame that one on his supervisor also).

Anyway, didn't mean to offend or upset you or anyone with a real problem. I am tone deaf and have tenitis, the only benifit I get from it is being able to tune out the wife's nagging (not that she ever does. It's just in case...)

Take care, and thanks for your service.
How in the world can anyone tell this is authentic? Just this week, the people in SE Michigan were warned about a similar type of "donation" website that asked for money to help Kwame Kilpatrick (ex-mayor of Detroit who lied under oath to cover-up his affair with his chief of staff. He was buried by his own text messages to her.) pay off his $1 million restitution. (It was a fake)

There is absolutely nothing to say that the referenced story about "Tom" is anything but a pure piece of fiction.

Seems like donation websites are the new "nigerian" scam.

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